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PortSystem          1.0

name                uucp
version             1.07
categories          comms
maintainers         six-two.net:gunter
description         Taylor UUCP
long_description    Taylor UUCP is a free implementation of UUCP and is the \
                    standard UUCP used on the GNU system.
homepage            https://www.gnu.org/software/uucp/uucp.html
platforms           darwin

master_sites        gnu
checksums           md5 64c54d43787339a7cced48390eb3e1d0 \
                    sha1 e7c93c3aa6468f1b26dd4d9104dbbe8c2949e9ee \
                    rmd160 e265ecd08245dd2510db20430a7a0e387ef4df51

configure.args      --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \