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PortSystem          1.0

name                dfu-util
version             0.9
categories          cross devel
platforms           darwin
maintainers         gmail.com:benoit.triquet {ijackson @JacksonIsaac} openmaintainer
license             GPL-2+

description         Device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer

long_description    dfu-util is the host side implementation of the DFU 1.0 and DFU 1.1 specifications of the USB forum. DFU is intended to download and upload firmware to devices connected over USB. It ranges from small devices like micro-controller boards up to mobile phones. Using dfu-util you can download firmware to your DFU-enabled device or upload firmware from it. dfu-util has been tested with the Openmoko Neo1973 and Freerunner and many other devices.

homepage            http://dfu-util.sourceforge.net/
master_sites        ${homepage}releases/

checksums           rmd160  44d39b0fdcca5b675a61be56bcccd85881c1244a \
                    sha256  36428c6a6cb3088cad5a3592933385253da5f29f2effa61518ee5991ea38f833

depends_build       port:pkgconfig

depends_lib         port:libusb