PortSystem      1.0
PortGroup       xcode 1.0

name            agprocess
set my_name     AGProcess
version         0.5
categories      devel framework
license         BSD
maintainers     nomaintainer
description     framework class for reporting Unix process statistics

long_description \
    AGProcess is a class for reporting Unix process statistics. It is similar to \
    NSProcessInfo except that it provides more information, and can represent \
    any process, not just the current process. Additionally it provides methods \
    for sending signals to processes.

homepage        http://agkit.sourceforge.net/
master_sites    sourceforge:project/agkit/AGProcess/AGProcess-${version}
distname        ${my_name}-${version}
extract.suffix  .tgz

checksums       md5 61b640f048aaed3d9d4cde6775b08957 \
                sha1 94e3831145b0fec2ebe4df4faeb699768219f87b \
                rmd160 9197095046acdc4b804fbed63c370e25e65fc454

worksrcdir      ${my_name}

xcode.target        ${my_name}
xcode.destroot.type framework

if {${os.major} >= 10} {
    post-patch {
        move ${worksrcpath}/AGProcess.pbproj ${worksrcpath}/AGProcess.xcodeproj
        copy -force ${filespath}/project.pbxproj ${worksrcpath}/AGProcess.xcodeproj/
        copy ${filespath}/Info-AGProcess__Upgraded_.plist ${worksrcpath}/

livecheck.regex "${my_name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}"