PortSystem      1.0
PortGroup       python 1.0

name            bzr-fastimport
epoch           2
version         0.13.0
revision        1
categories      devel python
platforms       darwin
supported_archs noarch
license         GPL-2
maintainers     {raimue @raimue}

description     Fast-import/fast-export plugin
long_description \
    Bazaar Fast Import is a plugin providing fast loading \
    of revision control data into Bazaar. \
    It is designed to be used in combination with front-end programs that \
    generate a command/data stream for it to process. Front-ends are available \
    for a wide range of foreign VCS tools including Subversion, CVS, Git, \
    Mercurial, Darcs and Perforce. New front-ends are easy to develop in whatever \
    programming language you prefer, making Bazaar Fast Import useful for teams \
    needing a custom migration solution.

homepage        http://launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport
master_sites    http://launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport/trunk/${version}/+download/

checksums       rmd160  c2b3b3c5354e53777b203e35bed64f82bd303da4 \
                sha256  5e296dc4ff8e9bf1b6447e81fef41e1217656b43368ee4056a1f024221e009eb

python.default_version  27

depends_lib-append port:bzr
depends_run-append port:py${python.version}-fastimport

patchfiles      patch-disable-known-graph-feature.diff \
patch.pre_args -p1

livecheck.type  regex
livecheck.url   http://launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport/+download
livecheck.regex ${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)\\.tar