PortSystem        1.0

name              gc-utils
version           0.2.3
revision          1
categories        devel
license           MIT
platforms         darwin
supported_archs   noarch
maintainers       nomaintainer

description       scripts for interacting with CVS repositories using git
long_description  \
  gc-utils is a small set of scripts that let you import and update CVS \
  repositories into git very easily and also export patches back into a \
  CVS working copy.

homepage          http://gcutils.sourceforge.net/
master_sites      sourceforge:gcutils
distname          gcutils-v${version}

checksums         md5 6346fa146abb63d2a817757c842894ca \
                  sha1 f4e76bc81e9583cfc683e09f7c552ed779bc1c8e \
                  rmd160 ab4878e438298ee98bc7983823be31904e1376f6

depends_lib       port:git \

worksrcdir        ${name}

use_configure     no

build.args        prefix=${prefix}

destroot.destdir  DESTDIR=${destroot} prefix=${prefix}
destroot.target   install
destroot.args     prefix=${prefix}

livecheck.version v${version}