PortSystem 1.0

name		gmsl
version		1.0.0
revision	0
categories	devel
license		GPL-2+
maintainers	nomaintainer
description	GNU Make Standard Library
long_description	\
	The GNU Make Standard Library (GMSL) is a collection of 	\
	functions implemented using native GNU Make functionality 	\
	that provide list and string manipulation, integer arithmetic, 	\
	associative arrays, stacks, and debugging facilities.
homepage	http://gmsl.sourceforge.net
master_sites	sourceforge
platforms	darwin
supported_archs	noarch
distname        ${name}
checksums	md5 3a4957d0dea86f2e08d22f97e484ae9e			\
		sha1 ff1493ac5affde0d20b11b0f07b1e9480dccd65e
patch		{
	reinplace "s|include __${name}|include ${prefix}\/etc\/__${name}|g" \
use_configure	no
build		{}
destroot {
	xinstall -m 644 -c ${workpath}/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/
	xinstall -m 644 -c ${workpath}/__${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/
post-install {
	ui_msg  "Add following to your Makefile(s):"
	ui_msg  ""
	ui_msg  "  if \[ -f ${prefix}/etc/${name} ]; then"
	ui_msg  "    include ${prefix}/etc/${name}"
	ui_msg  "  fi"
	ui_msg  ""