# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name gtk2hs version 0.10.1 revision 1 categories devel graphics platforms darwin maintainers nomaintainer description Portable and native GUI library for Haskell long_description gtk2hs is a Haskell binding to GTK, a comprehensive \ C GUI library that is portable across many platforms. homepage http://projects.haskell.org/gtk2hs/ master_sites sourceforge checksums rmd160 c72acd0e2c5471c7757532cfb44c841be8e83f1d \ sha256 07cc98520ce6c9e0d2549fd8fd23fc5118148b7509843b0163340713a762d0c0 depends_build port:pkgconfig depends_lib port:gconf \ port:ghc \ port:gtk2 \ port:gvfs \ path:lib/pkgconfig/cairo.pc:cairo \ port:librsvg \ port:libglade2 \ port:gtksourceview2 configure.args --with-hc=${prefix}/bin/ghc \ --disable-deprecated-packages \ --enable-profiling \ --enable-packager-mode \ --enable-gtk \ --enable-gio \ --enable-gconf \ --enable-libglade \ --enable-gtksourceview2 \ --enable-cairo \ --enable-svg \ --without-pkgreg variant x11 { depends_lib-append port:gtkglext configure.args-append --enable-opengl } default_variants +x11 use_parallel_build no # Fix gtk.package.conf to allow interoperating with non-MacPorts # ghc. (MacPorts' ghc adds ${prefix}/lib to the linker path # automatically.) post-destroot { set pkgs {glib gio cairo svgcairo gtk gconf glade gtkglext gtksourceview2 soegtk} if {![variant_isset x11]} { set pkgs {glib gio cairo svgcairo gtk gconf glade gtksourceview2 soegtk} } foreach pkg ${pkgs} { reinplace "s|library-dirs: |library-dirs: \"${prefix}/lib\",|" \ ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}/${pkg}.package.conf } } # Note that the order of package registration is important: certain # packages must be registered before the packages that depend on them. post-activate { set pkgs {glib gio cairo svgcairo gtk gconf glade gtkglext gtksourceview2 soegtk} if {![variant_isset x11]} { set pkgs {glib gio cairo svgcairo gtk gconf glade gtksourceview2 soegtk} } foreach pkg ${pkgs} { system "ghc-pkg update ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}/${pkg}.package.conf" } }