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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           haskell 1.0

haskell.setup       certificate 1.3.9
revision            2
checksums           rmd160  c06124c118a46cb2765c025a612163143911b625 \
                    sha256  e6257b4b0e884db8a817d265d9a7f9a6c76af8190504f32dadbbf64b0fcee5a1

maintainers         {cal @neverpanic} openmaintainer
platforms           darwin
license             BSD

description         Certificates and Key Reader/Writer
long_description    \
    At the moment only X509 certificate and unencrypted private key are \
    supported, but will include PGP certificate and pkcs8 private keys.

depends_lib-append  port:hs-asn1-data \
                    port:hs-crypto-pubkey-types \
                    port:hs-cryptohash \
                    port:hs-mtl \