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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           haskell 1.0

haskell.setup       hashed-storage 0.5.11
revision            2
checksums           rmd160  3be8b4a756c1bca25448a25e34415b4815382925 \
                    sha256  734b5e91081e355384f86fdd67f242e095e8c5196b182a62cc996fdabdb21569

maintainers         nomaintainer
platforms           darwin
license             BSD

description         Hashed file storage support code.
long_description    \
    Support code for reading and manipulating hashed file storage \
    (where each file and directory is associated with a \
    cryptographic hash, for corruption-resistant storage and fast \
    comparisons). \
    The supported storage formats include darcs hashed pristine, \
    a plain filesystem tree and an indexed plain tree (where the \
    index maintains hashes of the plain files and directories). 

depends_lib-append  port:hs-dataenc \
                    port:hs-extensible-exceptions \
                    port:hs-mmap \
                    port:hs-mtl \