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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           haskell 1.0

haskell.setup       pointedlist
revision            4
checksums           rmd160  84a930040389d79ed300c2389b2f1cd40bdd9b59 \
                    sha256  69bced0457627a75682151e19e17b58a1f2acb8577cdccc2a1f0ae6d32e9dbdb

license             BSD
maintainers         {cal @neverpanic} openmaintainer
platforms           darwin

description         A zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position.
long_description    \
    A PointedList tracks the position in a non-empty list which works similarly \
    to a zipper. A current item is always required, and therefore the list may \
    never be empty. A circular PointedList wraps around to the other end when \
    progressing past the actual edge.

depends_lib-append  port:hs-derive \