PortSystem 1.0

name			libmba
version			0.9.1
categories		devel
license			MIT
platforms		darwin
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		A collection of C modules potentially useful to any project
long_description	The libmba package is a collection of mostly independent C \
			modules potentially useful to any project. There are hashmap, \
			linkedlist, and stack ADTs, a DOM-like interface that can load and \
			store XML files for simple XML processing, a module for managing \
			error codes and associated messages across separate C libraries, \
			and more.

homepage		http://www.ioplex.com/~miallen/libmba/
master_sites	http://www.ioplex.com/~miallen/libmba/dl/
checksums		md5 c208fb5c3826a6251d20f492e5afa696
patchfiles		patch-Makefile patch-mktool.c

post-patch {
	reinplace "s|__LIBDIR__|${prefix}/lib|g" ${worksrcpath}/mktool.c
	reinplace "s|gcc|${configure.cc}|g" ${worksrcpath}/mktool.c

use_configure	no

build.args		prefix=${prefix} \
use_parallel_build	no

destroot.destdir	prefix=${destroot}${prefix}