PortSystem      1.0

name            libxdg-basedir
version         1.0.2
maintainers     kpricorn.org:macports openmaintainer
categories      devel
license         MIT
platforms       darwin
description     An implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification

long_description \
    This library implements functions to list the \
    directories according to the specification and \
    provides a few higher-level functions for use \
    with the specification.

homepage        http://n.ethz.ch/student/nevillm/download/${name}/
master_sites    ${homepage}

checksums       md5     944202425e5359666f268d18671303d4 \
                sha1    8c75931d0abcf7fefae50f22d06299ca1f06d1da \
                rmd160  d0794d8eb6c853c5ef80755df718450c81935754

configure.args  --disable-doxygen-doc \
                --disable-doxygen-dot \