PortSystem 1.0 name sdf2-bundle version 2.4 description Package related to the SDF2 syntax defintion formalism. long_description The sdf2-bundle is an easy to install collection of \ packages related to the SDF2 syntax definition formalism. \ The packages are developed at the CWI. The main packages \ of the sdf2-bundle are pgen, a parser generator for SDF2 and \ sglr, a parser. platforms darwin categories devel license GPL-2+ maintainers nomaintainer homepage http://www.program-transformation.org/Sdf/SdfBundle master_sites http://releases.strategoxt.org/strategoxt-0.17/sdf2-bundle/sdf2-bundle-2.4pre212034-37nm9z7p/ checksums md5 8aa110d790c4a8bf7bc8b884590d7bee \ sha1 b9be75d56503e7f06fcc9cc543303bae123c0845 \ rmd160 3b69d684b3a10504aaf197e6a19e16e36ff50f98 build.type gnu depends_build port:pkgconfig depends_lib port:libaterm configure.cflags-append -std=gnu89 configure.args --with-aterm=${prefix} --mandir=${prefix}/share/man