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PortSystem          1.0

name                frobtads
version             1.2.3
categories          games
maintainers         nomaintainer
license             {Restrictive/Distributable}
description         FrobTADS is a new version of TADS for Unix
long_description    FrobTADS is a complete rewrite of the Unix version. It \
adds support for a number of relatively recent TADS features that were \
missing from the old Unix version, including full support for text and \
background colors, TADS 3 banners, and timed input. It's also much more \
portable and more easily maintainable, as it's built to modern Unix \
standards. And installing FrobTADS is greatly simplified compared to the old \
Unix port, thanks to automatic configuration.
homepage            http://www.tads.org/frobtads.htm

platforms           darwin freebsd
master_sites        http://www.tads.org/frobtads/

checksums           rmd160  3e22c7db6dabc0544c84a09edbde618a18b35e1e \
                    sha256  88c6a987813d4be1420a1c697e99ecef4fa9dd9bc922be4acf5a3054967ee788

depends_lib         port:curl \

livecheck.type      regex
livecheck.regex     FrobTADS (\[0-9.\]+)
livecheck.url       ${homepage}