PortSystem              1.0
PortGroup               app 1.0

name                    ltris
version                 1.0.17
categories              games
platforms               darwin
maintainers             nomaintainer
license                 GPL-2+
use_parallel_build      yes

description             Tetris clone with multiplayer and AI support.
long_description        LTris as a tetris clone which means you have a bowl \
                        with blocks falling down. By rotating and moving the \
                        blocks you try to assemble whole lines which then \
                        disappear. LTris has three modes for this: Classic is \
                        the classical one where you play until the bowl \
                        becomes filled, Figures resets the bowl contents to a \
                        new figure for each level and adds suddenly appearing \
                        tiles and lines later on and Multiplayer where up to \
                        three players either controlled by human or CPU(!) \
                        compete and send completed lines to each other.

homepage                http://lgames.sourceforge.net/index.php?project=LTris
master_sites            sourceforge:project/lgames/ltris

checksums               rmd160  8ff370b5d7edf25acc431e33be0aa33766d44879 \
                        sha256  b4d2888bc50bb2ad9dd59f97c15fbfaee96c54d86c834f1231cd6e8af66bf52c

depends_lib             port:libsdl \
                        port:libsdl_mixer \
                        port:gettext \

post-extract {
    move ${worksrcpath}/src/sdl.h ${worksrcpath}/src/sdl_.h

patchfiles              patch-sdl_.h.diff \
                        patch-libintl.diff \

configure.args          --with-highscore-path=${prefix}/var/lib/games/ \

app.name                LTris
app.icon                ltris48.gif