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PortSystem              1.0
PortGroup               github 1.0

github.setup            seehuhn moon-buggy e4b97c950ef3feb459a882fdcab2ead91e511a81
version                 20120530
license                 GPL-3
categories              games
platforms               darwin
maintainers             {kencu @kencu} openmaintainer
description             Drive a car across the moon, jump craters
long_description        Moon-buggy is a simple character graphics game, where you drive some kind \
                        of car across the moon's surface. Unfortunately there are dangerous \
                        craters there.  Fortunately your car can jump over them!

checksums               rmd160  611ff30285007f605bff38d7507d4ecfcfcf2adc \
                        sha256  8bebad15d5f8605c7ea07dfcb422416d1e23848d2c71f6e59e81b5f50eca95e9

depends_lib-append      port:ncurses

use_autoreconf          yes

# patch makefile to prevent test-running program as root during install (which fails)
patchfiles-append       patch-moon-buggy-makefile-am.diff