# $Id$

PortSystem  1.0
PortGroup   gnustep 1.0

name        SQLClient
version     1.2.0
revision    1
platforms   darwin
maintainers nomaintainer

description  Simple OO Interface to SQL databases
long_description \

depends_lib   port:Performance port:sqlite3    
master_sites  gnustep:libs
checksums     md5 c26320a747092baa72dc7fb51994ae61

array set gnustep.post_flags {
    . "-lobjc -lgnustep-base"
post-patch {
    reinplace "s|BUNDLE_LIBS +=|BUNDLE_LIBS += -lPerformance -lSQLClient|g" \
    reinplace "s|TOOL_LIBS +=|TOOL_LIBS += -lPerformance|g" \
    reinplace "s|\$(GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR)|${destroot}${prefix}/GNUstep/Local|g" \

use_configure   yes

# Performance is not universal
universal_variant no
#### TODO
#### postgresql and mysql support