# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem                      1.0
PortGroup                       xcodeversion 1.0

# Please keep the graphviz and graphviz-devel ports as similar as possible.

name                            graphviz-devel
set my_name                     graphviz
version                         2.41.20171026.1811
set thisbranch                  [strsed ${name} "g/^${my_name}//"]
set otherbranch                 [expr {${thisbranch} eq {} ? {-devel} : {}}]
categories                      graphics
maintainers                     {ryandesign @ryandesign}
license                         EPL-1
homepage                        http://www.graphviz.org/
master_sites                    ${homepage}pub/graphviz/development/SOURCES/
platforms                       darwin
use_parallel_build              yes
dist_subdir                     ${my_name}
distname                        ${my_name}-${version}

description                     graph visualization software

long_description                Graphviz is ${description}. Graph visualization \
                                is a way of representing structural information \
                                as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. The \
                                Graphviz layout programs dot, neato, fdp, sfdp, \
                                twopi and circo take descriptions of graphs in a \
                                simple text language, and produce output in a \
                                variety of visual and text formats.

checksums                       rmd160  f5680f1d6b1e67af9e874732cd0c60465b23d587 \
                                sha256  d06e76d2f8a97cbd63927191a0be6d0b35525832b89de59baafe48d6400f0699 \
                                size    25589016

# graphviz needs Xcode 3.1+ to avoid the libGL error when building the smyrna variant
# graphviz-gui needs Xcode 3.1.2+; see #18811
minimum_xcodeversions           {9 3.1.2}

if {${name} eq ${subport}} {
revision                        1

conflicts                       graphviz${otherbranch}

depends_build                   port:pkgconfig

depends_lib                     port:jpeg \
                                port:libpng \
                                port:webp \
                                port:fontconfig \
                                port:freetype \
                                port:expat \
                                port:gd2 \
                                port:gts \
                                port:libtool \
                                port:zlib \

depends_run                     port:urw-fonts

configure.args                  --disable-silent-rules \
                                --with-codegens \
                                --without-x \
                                --without-devil \
                                --without-smyrna \
                                --with-digcola \
                                --with-ipsepcola \
                                --without-rsvg \
                                --without-pangocairo \
                                --without-lasi \
                                --with-webp \
                                --without-glitz \
                                --with-freetype2 \
                                --with-fontconfig \
                                --without-gdk-pixbuf \
                                --without-ghostscript \
                                --without-gtk \
                                --without-gtkgl \
                                --without-gtkglext \
                                --with-gts \
                                --without-glade \
                                --without-gnomeui \
                                --without-ming \
                                --without-poppler \
                                --without-qt \
                                --without-quartz \
                                --disable-swig \
                                --disable-sharp \
                                --disable-guile \
                                --disable-io \
                                --disable-java \
                                --disable-lua \
                                --disable-ocaml \
                                --disable-perl \
                                --disable-php \
                                --disable-python \
                                --disable-python23 \
                                --disable-python24 \
                                --disable-python25 \
                                --disable-r \
                                --disable-ruby \
                                --disable-tcl \

# Teach glibtool about -stdlib=libc++
use_autoreconf  yes
autoreconf.args -fvi

platform macosx {
    if {${os.major} > 8} {
        configure.args-replace  --without-quartz --with-quartz

    post-patch {
        if {[string match *clang* ${configure.cxx}] && ${configure.cxx_stdlib} eq "libc++"} {
            reinplace "s:-lstdc\+\+:-lc++:" \
                ${worksrcpath}/configure.ac \
                ${worksrcpath}/cmd/dot/Makefile.am \
                ${worksrcpath}/cmd/edgepaint/Makefile.am \
                ${worksrcpath}/cmd/mingle/Makefile.am \

variant guile description {Include Guile language bindings} {
    depends_lib-append          port:guile
    depends_build-append        port:swig-guile

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-guile --enable-guile

variant lua description {Include Lua language bindings} {
    depends_lib-append          port:lua
    depends_build-append        port:swig-lua

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-lua --enable-lua

    post-patch {
        reinplace "s|/usr/lib\$LIBPOSTFIX/lua|${prefix}/lib\$LIBPOSTFIX/lua|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure

variant ocaml description {Include Objective Caml language bindings} {
    depends_lib-append          port:ocaml
    depends_build-append        port:swig-ocaml

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-ocaml --enable-ocaml
    configure.cppflags-append   -I${prefix}/lib/ocaml

variant perl description {Include PERL 5 language bindings} {
    depends_lib-append          path:bin/perl:perl5
    depends_build-append        port:swig-perl

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-perl --enable-perl
    configure.perl              ${prefix}/bin/perl

variant php description {Include PHP language bindings} {
    depends_lib-append          path:bin/php:php5
    depends_build-append        port:swig-php5

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-php --enable-php

    post-patch {
        reinplace "s|/usr/include/php|${prefix}/include/php|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
        reinplace "s|/usr/lib\${LIBPOSTFIX}/php|${prefix}/lib\${LIBPOSTFIX}/php|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
        reinplace "s|/usr/share/php|${prefix}/share/php|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure

variant python27 description {Include Python 2.7 language bindings} {
    depends_lib-append          port:python27
    depends_build-append        port:swig-python

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-python --enable-python
    configure.python            ${prefix}/bin/python2.7

variant ruby description {Include Ruby language bindings} {
    depends_lib-append          port:ruby
    depends_build-append        port:swig-ruby

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-ruby --enable-ruby

variant tcl description {Include Tcl language bindings} {
    depends_lib-append          port:tcl
    depends_build-append        port:swig-tcl

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-tcl --enable-tcl

variant java description {Include Java language bindings} {
    depends_build-append        port:swig-java

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-java --enable-java

variant smyrna description {Include the Smyrna large graph viewer} {
    depends_lib-append          port:freeglut \
                                port:gtk2 \
                                port:gtkglext \

    configure.args-replace      --without-glade --with-glade
    configure.args-replace      --without-gtk --with-gtk
    configure.args-replace      --without-gtkglext --with-gtkglext
    configure.args-replace      --without-smyrna --with-smyrna

variant r description {Include R language bindings} {
    depends_build-append        port:swig-r

    configure.args-replace      --disable-swig --enable-swig
    configure.args-replace      --disable-r --enable-r

variant rsvg description {enable the rsvg plugin} {
    depends_lib-append          port:librsvg

    configure.args-replace      --without-rsvg --with-rsvg

variant gdk_pixbuf description {enable the gdk_pixbuf plugin} {
    depends_lib-append          port:gtk2

    configure.args-replace      --without-gdk-pixbuf --with-gdk-pixbuf

variant glitz description {enable the incomplete glitz plugin} {
    depends_lib-append          port:glitz

    configure.args-replace      --without-glitz --with-glitz

variant ming description {enable the incomplete ming plugin} {
    depends_lib-append          port:ming

    configure.args-replace      --without-ming --with-ming

variant pangocairo description {Add pangocairo support (antialiased bitmapped output; PDF output)} {
    depends_lib-append          path:lib/pkgconfig/pango.pc:pango \

    configure.args-replace      --without-lasi --with-lasi
    configure.args-replace      --without-pangocairo --with-pangocairo

# This is not a default variant because its license would make Graphviz undistributable.
variant poppler description {Add poppler support} {
    depends_lib-append          port:poppler
    configure.args-replace      --without-poppler --with-poppler

variant x11 {
    depends_lib-append          port:xorg-libXaw
    configure.args-delete       --without-x

default_variants                +pangocairo +x11

post-destroot {
    if {![variant_isset smyrna]} {
        delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/graphviz/doc/pdf/smyrna.pdf
    # Make the configuration file that makes the plugins work.
    system "GVBINDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/lib/graphviz DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${destroot}${prefix}/lib ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/dot -c"

livecheck.type                  regex
livecheck.url                   ${homepage}Download_source.php
livecheck.regex                 ${my_name}-(\[0-9\]+\\.\[0-9\]*\[13579\](\\.\[0-9\]+)*)\\.tar
} else {
    livecheck.type              none

subport graphviz-gui${thisbranch} {
    PortGroup                   xcode 1.0
    revision                    1

    conflicts                   graphviz-gui${otherbranch} graphviz-oldgui
    categories-append           aqua
    description                 macOS Aqua GUI for viewing and exporting \
                                Graphviz graphs
    long_description            ${description}.
    depends_lib                 port:graphviz${thisbranch}
    if {${os.major} < 9} {
        known_fail              yes
        pre-fetch {
            ui_error "${subport} requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater. Try graphviz-oldgui instead."
            return -code error "incompatible Mac OS X version"
    extract.post_args-append    ${worksrcdir}/macosx ${worksrcdir}/doc
    patchfiles                  patch-project.pbxproj.diff
    xcode.configuration         Release
    build.dir                   ${worksrcpath}/macosx
    xcode.build.settings        PREFIX=${prefix}
    xcode.destroot.settings     ${xcode.build.settings}

subport gvedit${thisbranch} {
    PortGroup                   app 1.0
    PortGroup                   qt4 1.0
    revision                    1

    conflicts                   gvedit${otherbranch}
    description                 Qt-based GUI for Graphviz
    long_description            gvedit is a ${description}. You may prefer \
                                the Mac-native GUI in the graphviz-gui${thisbranch} port.
    depends_lib-append          port:graphviz${thisbranch}
    post-extract {
        set short_version_string [get_short_version_string]
        if {${short_version_string} eq ""} {
            return -code error "cannot find ${app.name} short version string"
        } else {
            ui_debug "${app.name} short version string: ${short_version_string}"
    patchfiles                  patch-cmd-gvedit-Makefile.in.diff
    configure.args              --disable-silent-rules \
                                --with-qt \
    build.dir                   ${worksrcpath}/cmd/gvedit
    app.name                    GVEdit
    app.executable              gvedit
    app.icon                    ${build.dir}/images/icon.png
    pre-destroot {
        app.short_version_string [get_short_version_string]
    proc get_short_version_string {} {
        global build.dir
        return [exec /usr/bin/sed -E -n s/^\[\[:space:\]\]*"\[Vv\]ersion:\[\[:space:\]\]*(\[0-9.\]+).*/\\1/p ${build.dir}/mainwindow.cpp]