PortSystem 1.0

name             libggimisc
version          2.2.2
categories       graphics
license          MIT
maintainers      nomaintainer
description      GGI Miscellaneous
long_description \
	LibGGIMisc is a place to put support for graphics \
	target features which are not deserving their own \
	special extensions. Right now this means basically \
	some VGA adaptor features -- getting and waiting \
	for the raster position, using a hardware horizontal \
	splitline feature, and loading/unloading font data \
	from hardware text modes.

homepage         http://www.ggi-project.org/
platforms        darwin

depends_lib      port:libggi

master_sites     ${homepage}ftp/ggi/v2.2/ \
distname         ${name}-${version}.src
use_bzip2        yes
checksums        md5 8e525280ccee2eaab07946ca7aee159f \
                 sha1 2c93b1a219c10ddf318d658ab73ac02de515ee80 \
                 rmd160 db433d5dc74cae1674bdb5e88b443523db6bffe2

worksrcdir       ${name}-${version}

post-patch {
	reinplace "s|need_relink=yes|need_relink=no|" \

configure.args   --mandir=${prefix}/share/man