# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup kde4 1.1 name kdepimlibs4 version 4.14.3 revision 15 categories kde kde4 maintainers {nicos @NicosPavlov} license GPL-2+ LGPL-2+ BSD description KDE4 core PIM libraries long_description Core libraries necessary for Personal Information Management (PIM) in KDE4 platforms darwin homepage https://www.kde.org master_sites kde:stable/${version}/src/ use_xz yes distname kdepimlibs-${version} checksums rmd160 95af39ad4848fe48efbd4e3be8b4b0767530ec60 \ sha256 65edb1bec191be1b6f8450dc71eadae734f4ab0585aab0a885207390399868d7 #The only binaries linking to openssl (through QtNetwork) are libkimap.dylib #and libmailtransport.dylib, which are purely LPGL, thus not conflicting with #openssl license, apart from plugins in kioslaves license_noconflict openssl depends_lib-append port:kdelibs4 \ port:akonadi \ port:boost \ port:libical \ port:openldap \ port:ossp-uuid \ port:prison \ port:cyrus-sasl2 \ port:shared-mime-info \ port:qjson \ port:libxslt \ port:libxml2 \ port:perl5 \ port:gpgme #Suppress build of kioslaves which conflict with openssl patchfiles-append patch-CMakeLists.diff \ patch-do_not_include_cpp.diff \ patch-ical.diff \ patch-tests.diff configure.args-append -DMAILTRANSPORT_INPROCESS_SMTP=Off \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=\"-std=c++11\" subport kdepimlibs4-kioslaves { #kioslaves components conflict with openssl license license_noconflict-delete openssl #The main kdepimlibs4 is required for linking with other libraries depends_lib-append port:kdepimlibs4 #Builds only kioslaves components patchfiles-delete patch-CMakeLists.diff patchfiles-append patch-CMakeLists-kioslaves.diff #Suppresses files already installed by kdepimlibs4 main port post-destroot { delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/mime/packages/kdepimlibs-mime.xml } } livecheck.url ${kde4.mirror} livecheck.regex (\\d+(\\.\\d+)+)