PortSystem 1.0 name cc65 conflicts grc version 2.13.3 categories lang platforms darwin maintainers gmail.com:trashgod openmaintainer description 6502 C compiler long_description \ cc65 is a complete cross development package for 65(C)02 \ systems, including a powerful macro assembler, a C compiler, \ linker, librarian and several other tools. # Per http://www.cc65.org/ discontinued support in 2013, moved to github # No version tags on github yet homepage http://cc65.github.io/cc65 distfiles cc65-sources-${version}.tar.bz2 use_bzip2 yes master_sites http://cc65.oldos.net/ \ http://bj.spline.de/cc65/ \ ftp://ftp.musoftware.de/pub/uz/cc65/ \ ftp://ftp.musoftware.de/pub/uz/cc65/old/ checksums rmd160 ad728cb61113af4592460bce7d42ca57f6a2fb1a \ sha256 a98a1b69d3fa15551fe7d53d5bebfc5f9b2aafb9642ee14b735587a421e00468 use_configure no build.target bins libs build.args -f make/gcc.mak prefix=${prefix} use_parallel_build no destroot.args -f make/gcc.mak prefix=${destroot}${prefix} post-patch { foreach file [glob ${worksrcpath}/src/*/make/gcc.mak] { reinplace -E "s|^CC\[\[:space:\]\]*=\[\[:space:\]\]*gcc|CC=${configure.cc}|" $file } } variant docs description {Install extra documentation} { depends_build-append port:linuxdoc-tools build.target-append docs post-destroot { set docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} file mkdir "${docdir}/html" foreach file [glob -directory ${docdir} *.htm*] { move ${file} "${docdir}/html" } } }