PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 PortGroup active_variants 1.1 name libcxx epoch 1 version 5.0.1 revision 4 categories lang platforms darwin license MIT NCSA maintainers {jeremyhu @jeremyhu} description libc++ is a new implementation of the C++ standard library with support for C++11 and portions of C++14. long_description ${description} \ Because objects cannot be passed between different versions of the C++ runtime, this port must \ replace the host version in order to be used. On Snow Leopard and earlier, this is done \ automatically because there is no existing host version of this library. On Lion and later, \ users must build the port with +replacemnt_libcxx and install the root manually if they wish \ to replace the existing host implementation. homepage https://libcxx.llvm.org/ master_sites https://releases.llvm.org/${version}/ dist_subdir llvm use_xz yes set libcxxabi_distname libcxxabi-${version}.src set libcxx_distname libcxx-${version}.src distfiles ${libcxxabi_distname}${extract.suffix} \ ${libcxx_distname}${extract.suffix} checksums libcxxabi-5.0.1.src.tar.xz \ rmd160 93b74a0644c1afd565938fba5e21b200b206c72a \ sha256 5a25152cb7f21e3c223ad36a1022faeb8a5ac27c9e75936a5ae2d3ac48f6e854 \ libcxx-5.0.1.src.tar.xz \ rmd160 1e5a22e62515382488f232039e31f0b12c08ca4f \ sha256 fa8f99dd2bde109daa3276d529851a3bce5718d46ce1c5d0806f46caa3e57c00 use_configure no set roots_path ${prefix}/var/system_roots/ set root_name ${name}-${version}-${revision} set libcxxabi_worksrcpath [file join ${workpath} ${libcxxabi_distname}] set libcxx_worksrcpath [file join ${workpath} ${libcxx_distname}] platform darwin { if {${os.major} < 9} { pre-fetch { ui_error "${name} is not supported on Tiger or earlier." error "unsupported platform" } } if {${os.major} < 11} { post-activate { set dirs / if {${os.subplatform} eq "macosx"} { lappend dirs ${developer_dir}/SDKs/MacOSX[join [lrange [split ${macosx_version} .] 0 1] .].sdk } foreach d ${dirs} { system -W ${d} "tar xzf ${roots_path}/${root_name}.tgz" } } } } variant replacemnt_libcxx description {EXPERTS ONLY: Build a replacement libcxxabi and libcxx even if it is already part of the base OS.} {} if {${os.major} < 11 || [variant_isset replacemnt_libcxx]} { variant universal {} default_variants +universal if {${os.major} < 11} { variant emulated_tls description {build libcxxabi and libcxx with support for emulated thread_local storage} {} # only selected clang versions support emulated_tls, and the emulated_tls variant # needs to be enabled to build libcxx with emulated_tls support foreach ver {5.0 6.0 7.0} { if {[file exists ${prefix}/bin/clang-mp-${ver}]} { if {[active_variants clang-${ver} emulated_tls]} { default_variants-append +emulated_tls compiler.whitelist-prepend macports-clang-${ver} } } } } compiler.blacklist *gcc* {clang < 500} # clang 3.5 and newer are conditionally blacklisted to prevent dependency cycles foreach ver {3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 devel} { if {![file exists ${prefix}/bin/clang-mp-${ver}]} { compiler.blacklist-append macports-clang-${ver} } } supported_archs i386 x86_64 ppc if {[variant_isset universal] && [lsearch ${universal_archs} ppc] != -1} { # http://trac.macports.org/wiki/LibcxxOnOlderSystems#Leopardppc # older clang compilers produce unreliable ppc code compiler.blacklist-append macports-clang-3.4 } post-extract { # delete cxa_noexception.cpp as we're not using the cmake build system # cmake would choose either cxa_exceptions or cxa_noexceptions # but the buildit script just builds every file in the src directory and you can't have both delete ${libcxxabi_worksrcpath}/src/cxa_noexception.cpp if {![variant_isset emulated_tls]} { # cmake doesn't include this for darwin builds, so nuke it here as well # however, this file is essential for emulated-tls to function delete ${libcxxabi_worksrcpath}/src/cxa_thread_atexit.cpp } file mkdir ${workpath}/build file copy ${filespath}/Makefile ${workpath}/build } patch.dir ${workpath} patch.pre_args -p0 # patches for libc++abi buildit patchfiles-append \ 0001-libcxxabi-Update-buildit-script-to-read-EXTRA_LDFLAGS-from-the.patch \ 0002-libcxxabi-Define-_LIBCPP_BUILDING_LIBRARY-during-build-to-supp.patch \ 0003-libcxxabi-buildit-Use-undefined-dynamic_lookup-when-linking.patch \ 0004-libcxxabi-buildit-add-nostdinc++.diff if {[variant_isset emulated_tls]} { # add emutls.c support for cxa_thread_atexit directly into libcxxabi # these files were taken from clang-7.0's compiler-rt subproject patchfiles-append \ 0005-libcxxabi-add-emutls.patch \ 0006-libcxxabi-buildit-build-emutls.patch \ 0007-libcxxabi-include-expose-cxa-thread-atexit.patch \ 0008-libcxxabi-cxa-thread-atexit-no-weak-atexit-impl.patch } # restore libc++ buildit and patches for libc++ buildit patchfiles-append \ 1001-Revert-Remove-the-buildit-and-testit-scripts-they-ha.patch \ 1002-libcxx-buildit-build-fix-for-Leopard.patch \ 1003-libcxx-buildit-Set-compatibility-version-to-RC_ProjectSourc.patch \ 1004-libcxx-MacPorts-Use-LIBCXXABI_PATH-for-path-to-build-time-l.patch \ 1005-libcxx-buildit-Fix-CFLAGS-for-Leopard-and-Snow-Leopard-to-i.patch # patches for libc++ include files patchfiles-append \ 2001-Fix-local-and-iterator-when-building-with-Lion-and-n.patch \ 2002-Fix-missing-long-long-math-prototypes-when-using-the.patch \ 2003-implement-atomic-using-mutex-lock_guard-for-64b-ops-.patch \ 2004-libcxx-includes-Fix-up-thread-constexpr-for-GCC-where-the-PPC-port-cant-do-longlong-constexpr.patch post-patch { system "chmod 755 ${libcxx_worksrcpath}/lib/buildit" } build.dir ${workpath}/build if {[vercmp [macports_version] 2.5.99] >= 0} { build.env-append \ CC=${configure.cc} \ CXX=${configure.cxx} \ RC_XBS=1 \ RC_ProjectSourceVersion=${version} \ "RC_CFLAGS=[get_canonical_archflags] -I${libcxxabi_worksrcpath}/include -I${libcxx_worksrcpath}/include ${configure.optflags}" \ TRIPLE=-apple-darwin${os.major} } else { build.env-append \ CC="${configure.cc}" \ CXX="${configure.cxx}" \ RC_XBS=1 \ RC_ProjectSourceVersion="${version}" \ RC_CFLAGS="[get_canonical_archflags] -I${libcxxabi_worksrcpath}/include -I${libcxx_worksrcpath}/include ${configure.optflags}" \ TRIPLE="-apple-darwin${os.major}" } build.args-append \ LIBCXXABI_PATH=${libcxxabi_worksrcpath} \ LIBCXX_PATH=${libcxx_worksrcpath} \ LIBCXXABI_DYLIB_PATH=${build.dir}/libc++abi.dylib # We want to use the host's libc++ everywhere because we want to ensure # that only *ONE* copy of this library is in any process's address space. # On Snow Leopard and earlier, this port provides this library in /usr for # binary compatibility with Lion and later. # # On newer OS version, this port does not install the content to /usr and # just leaves it to expert users who may want to replace their system # runtime. destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/lib xinstall -m 755 ${libcxxabi_worksrcpath}/lib/libc++abi.dylib ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/lib xinstall -m 755 ${libcxx_worksrcpath}/lib/libc++.1.dylib ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/lib ln -s libc++.1.dylib ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/lib/libc++.dylib xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/include xinstall -m 755 ${libcxxabi_worksrcpath}/include/__cxxabi_config.h ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/include xinstall -m 755 ${libcxxabi_worksrcpath}/include/cxxabi.h ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name}/usr/include system -W ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name} "tar czf ../${root_name}.tgz ." delete ${destroot}${roots_path}/${root_name} } } else { supported_archs noarch distfiles build {} destroot { xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} system "echo ${name} is an empty port on this OS version because the functionality is already provided by the OS. > ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/README.txt" } } livecheck.type none