PortSystem 1.0 name newlisp version 10.4.3 revision 2 categories lang maintainers nomaintainer platforms darwin license GPL-3 description newLISP is a LISP-like scripting language long_description \ newLISP is a LISP-like scripting language for doing things you \ typically do with scripting languages: programming for the \ internet, system administration, text processing, gluing other \ programs together, etc. newLISP is a scripting LISP for people \ who are fascinated by LISP's beauty and power of expression, but \ who need it stripped down to easy-to-learn essentials. homepage http://www.newlisp.org master_sites sourceforge extract.suffix .tgz checksums md5 f744b2ef55cba3f4b8729a34a647b43b \ sha1 7caf5b54311d0004ed1fd7b14e1929ad2ae5977c \ rmd160 ca51e93e672e5bd57f9fb7cff5d81f26ebece37a supported_archs x86_64 depends_lib port:readline \ port:libffi post-configure { # default configure script would pick 32 bit makefile, we're going with 64 bit copy -force ${filespath}/makefile_build ${worksrcpath} reinplace "s|%CFLAGS%|${configure.cflags} ${configure.cc_archflags}|" ${worksrcpath}/makefile_build } # there's a %COMPILER% placeholder for CC as well build.args-append CC=${configure.cc} # newlisp's makefile don't support DESTDIR but provide an install_home target using $HOME # remember to check makefile_install and remove the following if DESTDIR gets supported destroot.args HOME=${destroot}${prefix} destroot.target install_home