PortSystem 1.0

name		scsh
version		0.6.7
categories	lang
license		BSD
maintainers	astro.gla.ac.uk:norman
description	Scheme shell
long_description	Scsh is an open-source Unix shell embedded within \
			Scheme.  Scsh is a variant of Scheme 48 (an R5RS \
			compliant new-tech Scheme system) Scsh is designed \
			for writing real-life standalone Unix programs and \
			shell scripts. Scsh spans a wide range of application, \
			from `script' applications usually handled with perl \
			or sh, to more standard systems applications usually \
			written in C.
platforms       darwin
homepage        http://www.scsh.net/
master_sites    http://ftp.scsh.net/pub/scsh/0.6/
checksums       md5 69c88ca86a8aaaf0f87d253b99d339b5
configure.args	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man
build.target    enough

# Force 32-bit build
supported_archs i386 ppc