# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem              1.0

name                    xmlgen
version                 1.4
categories              lang tcl
license                 BSD
maintainers             nomaintainer
description             The Tcl package xmlgen allows to write Tcl code which translates itself into XML.
long_description        Every tag is made into a markup command which takes attributes and the element's \
                        content as parameters and then prints the XML tagged content. Of \
                        course, the content again can contain markup commands.
homepage                http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/xmlgen.html
platforms               darwin
master_sites            sourceforge:tclxml
checksums               md5  33ab852e21d5afd9bc9bc21c69edd071 \
                        sha1  0479da756d8473bebec25e2628da35556399cb99 \
                        rmd160  ec6a8915106a0189ab62c29d966ab16a5c3978fa
depends_run             port:tcl
use_configure           no
universal_variant       no
build                   {}
destroot                {
                        set sw_dest_dir ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/$name-$version/
                        set doc_dest_dir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/$name-$version/

                        file mkdir $sw_dest_dir
                        file mkdir $doc_dest_dir

                        xinstall ${worksrcpath}/htmlgen.tcl ${worksrcpath}/pkgIndex.tcl \
                        ${worksrcpath}/sidenav.tcl ${worksrcpath}/tab.tcl \
                        ${worksrcpath}/xmlgen.tcl \

                        xinstall ${worksrcpath}/doc/htmlgen.html ${worksrcpath}/doc/overview.html \
                        ${worksrcpath}/doc/sidenav.html  ${worksrcpath}/doc/xmlgen.html \

livecheck.regex xmlgen-(\[0-9\\.\]+)\\.tar.gz