PortSystem 1.0

name			yabasic
version			2.763
revision                1
categories		lang
platforms		darwin
license			{Artistic-1 GPL-2}
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		yet another basic language
long_description	Yabasic implements the most common and simple elements \
				of the basic language. It comes with goto/gosub, with \
				various loops, with user defined subroutines and Libraries. \
				Yabasic does monochrome line graphics and printing.

homepage		http://www.yabasic.de/
master_sites	${homepage}/download/
checksums		md5 98f0cb59db973b89753abcc24b2c5ec2

depends_lib \
	port:xorg-libsm \

configure.args	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man