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PortSystem      1.0

name            anubis
version         4.2
revision        0
categories      mail
license         GPL-3
maintainers     nomaintainer
description     GNU Anubis is an outgoing mail processor.
long_description \
            GNU Anubis goes between the MUA (Mail User Agent) and the MTA (Mail \
            Transport Agent), and can perform on the fly various sorts of processing \
            and conversion on the outgoing mail in accord with the sender's specified \
            rules, based on a highly configurable regular expressions system. It \
            operates as a proxy server, independently from mail user agents. 
homepage        https://www.gnu.org/software/anubis
platforms       darwin

master_sites    gnu

checksums       rmd160  169b7b360b59ea47359dc37bd7f3cd99998d8ed5 \
                sha256  5f3a2dd77c5ef52a593428c5b6d0042c1746eb8262c31bde9ee67455f8aad6d6 \
                size    1623768

depends_lib     port:gdbm \
                port:gettext \
                port:libgsasl \

patchfiles      patch-lib__obstack.c \

configure.args  --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \
                --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
                --without-guile \
                --without-gpgme \
                --without-gnutls \

platform darwin 8 powerpc {
    configure.compiler  gcc-3.3

variant gnutls description {Use GnuTLS} {
    depends_lib-append      port:gnutls

    configure.args-replace  --without-gnutls --with-gnutls

variant pcre description {Use Perl-style regular expressions} {
    depends_lib-append      port:pcre

    configure.args-replace  --without-pcre --with-pcre