# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem      1.0
PortGroup       active_variants 1.1

# as of 3.17.4 litehtml_viewer plugin requires C++11
PortGroup       cxx11 1.1

name            claws-mail
version         3.17.4
revision        5
categories      mail news
platforms       darwin
license         GPL-3+
maintainers     {pmetzger @pmetzger} openmaintainer

description     A lightweight and very featureful GTK+ based e-mail and news client

long_description Currently, many features are supported in Claws Mail \
                including POP3, IMAP, NNTP, multiple accounts, \
                threading, filtering, MIME attachments, APOP, SMTP \
                AUTH, SSL, IPv6, GnuPG, internalization, plugins, \
                a filtering/processing mechanism, extra folder \
                properties and much more.

homepage        http://www.claws-mail.org/
master_sites    ${homepage}releases/

checksums       rmd160  420a0b1f6ff3efac9218478e0a1c60677eac0927 \
                sha256  590ed1131e51b3a627e75c3b256068f5176a498628e1c8f3315b9bc09482ae02 \
                size    6280252

use_xz          yes

use_autoreconf  yes
autoreconf.args -fvi
depends_build-append    port:pkgconfig

depends_lib     port:gtk2 \
                port:libetpan \
                port:gpgme \
                port:compface \
                port:gtkspell2 \
                port:aspell \
                port:gnutls \
                port:libgcrypt \
                port:libarchive \
                port:libgdata \
                port:librsvg \
                port:libical \
                port:enchant \
                port:poppler \
                port:ghostscript \
                port:bogofilter \

# claws uses gdk/gdkx.h, which is not installed by gtk2 +quartz.
require_active_variants \
                gtk2 x11

if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.version} < 12} {
    # the ld on older systems doesn't understand the -export_dynamic flag
    # see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/57673
    patchfiles  patch-claws-mail-no-export-dynamic-on-older-ld-versions.diff

# This can likely be removed when claws is upgraded from 3.17.4
patchfiles-append patch-libetpan-1.9.4.diff

# override faulty check for C++ compiler
configure.env-append \

configure.args  --disable-jpilot \
                --disable-acpi_notifier-plugin \
                --disable-bsfilter-plugin \
                --disable-clamd-plugin \
                --disable-fancy-plugin \
                --disable-notification-plugin \
                --disable-perl-plugin \
                --disable-python-plugin \
                --disable-spamassassin-plugin \
                --disable-spam_report-plugin \
                --disable-startup-notification \
                --disable-tnef_parse-plugin \
                --enable-manual \
                --enable-ipv6 \

variant fancy description {Build fancy plugin using deprecated webkit-gtk-1.0} {
    depends_lib-append \
    configure.args-delete \
livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}