PortSystem 1.0

name        libsieve
version     2.2.5
categories  mail devel
license     LGPL-2.1
maintainers nomaintainer
description A library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail
homepage    http://libsieve.sourceforge.net/
platforms   darwin

long_description \
    This code is a standalone library providing an interpreter for RFC \
    3028 Sieve and various extensions. It is based upon code distributed \
    with the Cyrus Mail Server prior to CMU's switch to a more restrictive \
    license. The libSieve API attempts to be easy to use and extensible, \
    and replaces the more rigid API in the Cyrus Sieve implementation.

master_sites    sourceforge

# These patches have been incorporated upstream and should be able to be
# removed at the next version
patchfiles  patch-src__sv_parser__addr.c.diff patch-src__sv_parser__sieve.c.diff

checksums   md5 f0adbfa59254d07611d907f78aaa20cd \
            sha1 27816679f4d8ecbaf8a3504cc47aad7015e7719b \
            rmd160 bcb4912008592a7372bacc336575f8416a105acd

configure.dir   ${worksrcpath}/src
build.dir       ${worksrcpath}/src
destroot.dir    ${worksrcpath}/src