# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name procmail version 3.22 revision 7 categories mail license {Artistic-1 GPL-2+} platforms darwin maintainers nomaintainer description A local mail delivery agent long_description The procmail mail processing program can be used \ to create mail-servers, mailing lists, sort your \ incoming mail into separate folders/files (real \ convenient when subscribing to one or more \ mailing lists or for prioritising your mail), \ preprocess your mail, start any programs upon \ mail arrival (e.g. to generate different chimes \ on your workstation for different types of mail) \ or selectively forward certain incoming mail \ automatically to someone. \ Procmail can be used: \ - and installed by an unprivileged user (for \ himself only). \ - as a drop in replacement for the local \ delivery agent /bin/mail (with biff/comsat \ support). \ - as a general mailfilter for whole groups of \ messages (e.g. when called from within \ sendmail.cf rules). \ The accompanying formail program enables you to \ generate autoreplies, split up digests/mailboxes \ into the original messages, do some very simple \ header-munging/extraction, or force mail into \ mail-format (with leading From line). homepage http://www.procmail.org/ master_sites ftp://ftp.procmail.org/pub/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.psg.com/pub/unix/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.ucsb.edu/pub/mirrors/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/packages/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/unix/mail/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.net.ohio-state.edu/pub/networking/mail/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.fdt.net/pub/unix/packages/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.tamu.edu/pub/mirrors/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.kfki.hu/pub/packages/mail/procmail/ \ ftp://giswitch.sggw.waw.pl/pub/unix/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.solarisguide.com/pub/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.win.ne.jp/pub/network/mail/procmail/ \ http://www.ring.gr.jp/archives/net/mail/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.ring.gr.jp/pub/net/mail/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.ayamura.org/pub/procmail/ \ ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.gigabell.net/pub/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.linja.net/pub/mirrors/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.stealth.net/pub/mirrors/ftp.procmail.org/pub/procmail/ \ ftp://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.procmail.org/pub/procmail/ checksums md5 1678ea99b973eb77eda4ecf6acae53f1 \ sha1 cd4e44c15559816453fd60349e5a32289f6f2965 \ rmd160 e609ec94ea9ab3b93629c62b3e29add497806483 post-extract { move ${worksrcpath}/INSTALL ${worksrcpath}/INSTALL.README } patchfiles getline.patch \ patch-CVE-2014-3618.diff \ patch-CVE-2017-16844.diff \ patch-security-fixes.diff \ patch-src-manconf.c.diff post-patch { reinplace "s%^/\\*\\(#define\[ \t\]*DEF\[S\]*PATH\[ \t\]*\".*\\)\".*$%\\1:${prefix}/bin\"%" ${worksrcpath}/config.h reinplace "s%/etc/procmailrc%${prefix}/etc/procmailrc%" ${worksrcpath}/config.h reinplace "s%/usr/local%${prefix}%g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile reinplace "s%(BASENAME)/man%(BASENAME)/share/man%" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile } use_configure no variant universal {} build.env "CC=${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags cc]" build.args BASENAME=${prefix} LOCKINGTEST=/tmp destroot.args BASENAME=${destroot}${prefix} LOCKINGTEST=/tmp install-suid livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage} livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}