# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           github 1.0
PortGroup           perl5 1.0

github.setup        philpennock sieve-connect 0.90 v
github.tarball_from releases
categories          mail
license             BSD
platforms           darwin
maintainers         nomaintainer
description         A client for the MANAGESIEVE Protocol
long_description    ${name} is a client for the ManageSieve protocol, as \
                    specifed in RFC 5804.

use_bzip2           yes

checksums           rmd160  4134aafeecd4b16af55faea78a5c088638f4ac4d \
                    sha256  4a188ba50009170b5a7a51cbd0dbaab972eb1e42a3ad7c2d8d22fb63f2f77603 \
                    size    46481

perl5.require_variant   yes
perl5.conflict_variants yes
perl5.branches          5.26 5.28
perl5.default_branch    5.28
perl5.create_variants   ${perl5.branches}

use_configure       no

build.args          PREFIX=${prefix} \

destroot.args       PREFIX=${prefix} \
destroot.destdir    INSTALLROOT=${destroot}

depends_lib         port:p${perl5.major}-authen-sasl \
                    port:p${perl5.major}-io-socket-inet6 \
                    port:p${perl5.major}-io-socket-ssl \
                    port:p${perl5.major}-mozilla-publicsuffix \
                    port:p${perl5.major}-net-dns \