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PortSystem          1.0

name                libmms
version             0.6.4
categories          multimedia
license             LGPL-2+
maintainers         nomaintainer
description         Library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// network streams
long_description    LibMMS is a common library for parsing the legacy mms:// and mmsh:// type \
                    network streams, created and now abandoned by Microsoft. These are \
                    commonly used to stream Windows Media Video content over the web. LibMMS \
                    itself is only for receiving MMS streams, it doesn't handle sending at \
                    all. If you need streaming functionality, look at other protocols, such \
                    as RT(S)P.
homepage            http://libmms.sourceforge.net/
platforms           darwin
master_sites        sourceforge

checksums           rmd160  9001264ef7967514ad2e3cf0d711a9230e38ca80 \
                    sha256  3c05e05aebcbfcc044d9e8c2d4646cd8359be39a3f0ba8ce4e72a9094bee704f

depends_build       port:pkgconfig
depends_lib         path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \
                    port:libiconv \

patchfiles          strndup.patch