PortSystem          1.0
name                csshX
version             0.74
categories          net sysutils security
maintainers         {cal @neverpanic} openmaintainer
supported_archs     noarch
license				{Artistic-1 GPL}

description         Cluster ssh tool for Terminal.app
long_description \
   csshX is a tool to allow simultaneous control of multiple SSH sessions. \
   csshX will attempt to create an SSH session to each remote host in \
   separate Terminal.app windows. A master window will also be created. All \
   keyboard input in the master will be sent to all the slave windows.

platforms           darwin

homepage            https://code.google.com/p/csshx/
master_sites        googlecode
extract.suffix      .tgz

checksums           rmd160  a3e560057258d295c0845827c47c5e97f91c4e51 \
                    sha256  eaa9e52727c8b28dedc87398ed33ffa2340d6d0f3ea9d261749c715cb7a0e9c8

# Note this does not depend on MacPorts' perl but the system one for
# things like Foundation.pm...

use_configure       no

build               {}

destroot {
   xinstall -m 755 -W ${worksrcpath} csshX ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
   system "/usr/bin/pod2man ${worksrcpath}/csshX \