PortSystem          1.0

name                daemonlogger
version             1.2.1
categories          net security
platforms           darwin
maintainers         nomaintainer
description         Packet Logger & Soft Tap
long_description    DaemonLogger provides simple packet logging and a soft \
                    tap daemon. It has two runtime modes: \
                    1) It sniffs packets and spools them straight to the \
                    disk and can daemonize itself for background packet \
                    logging. \
                    2) It sniffs packets and rewrites them to a second \
                    interface, essentially acting as a soft tap. It can also \
                    do this in daemon mode.
license             GPL-2
homepage            https://sourceforge.net/projects/daemonlogger/
master_sites        sourceforge:project/daemonlogger/
depends_lib         port:libdnet port:libpcap

checksums           md5     acb64aa6cd5777e297569f100b5c39ee \
                    sha1    ce0aa20b38f18eca94a6d00fe9126d441fe2818a \
                    rmd160  f379ad3fc35d22a8244a4fe2962edb3a3d30e05a

post-destroot       {
	xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
	xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} README \