PortSystem		1.0

name			echoping
version			6.0.2
revision		5
categories		net
license			{GPL-2 OpenSSLException}
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		small program to test approximate network performance
long_description	echoping is a small program to test (approximatively) \
					performances of a remote host by sending it TCP \
					"echo" (or other protocol, like HTTP) packets.
homepage		https://bortzmeyer.github.io/echoping/
master_sites	https://fossies.org/linux/misc/old/

checksums		md5     991478532b56ab3b6f46ea9fa332626f \
				sha1    8b414d1dbc5a0f21a7f2cccb0138aec13117a1a4 \
				rmd160  73ee80f4b666fde3a0e02589388e485c487005fc

platforms		darwin

depends_build	port:pkgconfig

depends_lib		port:libidn \
				port:openldap \

patchfiles		patch-configure.diff \

configure.args	--enable-http \
				--enable-icp \
				--enable-smtp \
				--disable-tcp-info \
				--enable-tos \
				--disable-priority \
				--with-libidn \
				--without-gnutls \

variant gnutls conflicts ssl description {Add SSL/TLS crypt support with GNU TLS} {
	depends_lib-append		port:gnutls
	configure.args-delete	--without-gnutls
	configure.args-append	--with-gnutls

variant ssl conflicts gnutls description {Add SSL crypt support with OpenSSL} {
	depends_lib-append		path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl
	configure.args-delete	--without-ssl
	configure.args-append	--with-ssl

if {![variant_isset gnutls]} {
	default_variants +ssl