PortSystem 1.0

name			hsftp
version			1.15
revision			1
categories		net security
license			GPL-2
platforms		darwin
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		ftp emulator that uses ssh to transport commands and data
long_description	hsftp is an ftp emulator that provides the look-and-feel \
				of an ftp session, but uses ssh to transport commands and data.

homepage		http://la-samhna.de/hsftp/
master_sites	http://la-samhna.de/hsftp/
checksums		sha1 1d6c3d5599a254d3f9aeb513874c85d3de792375

depends_lib		port:readline

configure.pre_args	--prefix=\\\$\\\(DESTDIR\\\)${prefix}
configure.args	--mandir=\\\$\\\(DESTDIR\\\)${prefix}/share/man \