PortSystem 1.0

name			icpld
version			1.1.5
categories		net sysutils
license			BSD
platforms		darwin
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		network connection performance tracking monitor
long_description	ICPLD is a connection monitor which allows you to keep \
			track of your network connection perfomance. It will log each \
			occasion of broken networking. It runs as a background process, \
			and sends ICMP requests to an ip of your choice. When a reply \
			isn't received within proper amount of time, it will consider \
			the connection as unavailable and put a stamp in its log.

homepage		http://icpld.northernmost.org/
master_sites	http://www.ibiblio.org/icpld/download/
use_bzip2		yes

checksums		md5     b6faa64bdbe4d31b3e0cfdbde2a9b0e9 \
				sha1    cbe04ed210607f9e18b2a91a586f7e17f8018938 \
				rmd160  457df771324d94867ed481e790cd0caa224945a0

patchfiles		patch-src-fork.cpp

post-patch {
	reinplace "s|/doc|/share/doc|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in

configure.args	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \

post-destroot {
	xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/icpld.conf.sample ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/