# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name		  iperf
version		  2.0.5
categories	  net
platforms	  darwin
maintainers	  pmq

description	  A tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth
long_description  Iperf is a tool for measuring maximum TCP and UDP \
		  bandwidth, reminiscent of ttcp and nettest. It has \
		  been written to overcome the shortcomings of those \
		  aging tools. Iperf can also test UDP bandwidth, \
		  loss, and jitter.

homepage	  http://iperf.sourceforge.net
master_sites	  sourceforge
checksums           rmd160  975d971974437136ae72bb17c0f776ea92eaf878 \
                    sha256  636b4eff0431cea80667ea85a67ce4c68698760a9837e1e9d13096d20362265b