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PortSystem 1.0

name                libbind
version             6.0
categories          net
platforms           darwin
maintainers         nomaintainer
license             ISC

description         Standard resolver library for communicating with domain name servers

long_description    The libbind functions have been separated from the \
			BIND suite as of BIND 9.6.0. Originally from \
			older versions of BIND, they have been \
			continually maintained and improved but not \
			installed by default with BIND 9. This standard \
			resolver library contains the same historical functions \
			and headers included with many Unix operating systems.

homepage            http://www.isc.org/software/libbind/60
master_sites        ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/libbind/${version}/

checksums           sha1 4664646238cd3602df168da1e9bc9591d3f566b2    \
                    rmd160 bfafac89a455a05202763f6e10f292978085d811