# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem          1.0

name                librsync
version             0.9.7
revision            3
categories          net devel
platforms           darwin
maintainers         nomaintainer
license             LGPL-2.1+

description         library that implements the rsync remote-delta algorithm

long_description    librsync is a free software library that implements \
                    the rsync remote-delta algorithm. This algorithm allows \
                    efficient remote updates of a file, without requiring the \
                    old and new versions to both be present at the sending \
                    end. The library uses a streaming design similar to that \
                    of zlib with the aim of allowing it to be embedded into \
                    many different applications. librsync is not \
                    wire-compatible with rsync 2.x, and is not likely to be \
                    in the future.

homepage            http://librsync.sourceforge.net/
master_sites        sourceforge

checksums           sha256  6633e4605662763a03bb6388529cbdfd3b11a9ec55b8845351c1bd9a92bc41d6 \
                    rmd160  39ca29334d0efabc0ee9e4d44abbe73a7d2fe831

depends_lib         port:bzip2 \
                    port:popt \

# These patches have been downloaded into the MacPorts repository since it saves
# having to fetch them from CVS.  Respectively, they can be viewed at:
# http://librsync.cvs.sourceforge.net/librsync/librsync/doc/rdiff.1?r1=1.1&r2=1.2&view=patch
# http://librsync.cvs.sourceforge.net/librsync/librsync/mdfour.h?r1=1.7&r2=1.8&view=patch
# http://librsync.cvs.sourceforge.net/librsync/librsync/patch.c?r1=1.30&r2=1.31&view=patch
patchfiles          patch-librsync__doc__rdiff.1 \
                    patch-librsync__mdfour.h \

configure.cflags-append -std=gnu89

configure.args      --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \

variant universal {}
post-configure {
    reinplace -E "s|compiler_flags=$|compiler_flags=' [get_canonical_archflags cc]'|" ${worksrcpath}/libtool
    reinplace -E "s|linker_flags=$|linker_flags=' [get_canonical_archflags ld]'|" ${worksrcpath}/libtool

test.run            yes
test.target         check