# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem          1.0

name                macos-fortress
version             2019.10.27
revision            1

categories          net security
platforms           darwin
license             MIT
maintainers         {ieee.org:s.t.smith @essandess} openmaintainer

if {${subport} ne "${name}-easylistpac"} {

use_configure       no
build               {}

# perl5 and python3 major versions
set perl5_major_version \
set python3_version 3.7
set python3_version_nickname \
    [join [lrange [split ${python3_version} .] 0 1] {}]

set pf_conf         ${prefix}/etc/${name}/pf.conf
set pf_conf_prefix  "\${prefix}/etc/${name}/pf.conf"
set proxy_hostname  localhost
set proxy_server
set proxy_pac_server \
set proxy_pac_directory \

variant initialize_always \
    description {Always initialize all configuration files. Intended\
        for development and troubleshooting only. Working deployments\
        must disable this variant to prevent configuration files\
        being overwritten at the next upgrade. Existing configuration\
        files are not overwritten by default.} {
    ui_warn \
\tAll configuration files will be initialized because
\tthe variant +initialize_always is set. Please disable
\tthis variant for working deployments.

# Network configuration
# hard-coded examples
set interface       en0

proc install_initial_configuration {args} {
    foreach f_or_d ${args} {
        if { [variant_isset "initialize_always"]
             && [file exists ${f_or_d}]
            } {
            delete ${f_or_d}.previous
            move \
                ${f_or_d} \
        if { [variant_isset "initialize_always"]
             || ![file exists ${f_or_d}]
            } {
            if { [file isfile ${f_or_d}.macports] } {
                xinstall -m 0644 \
                    ${f_or_d}.macports \
            } elseif { [file isdirectory ${f_or_d}.macports] } {
                xinstall -m 0755 -d ${f_or_d}
                foreach f [glob -nocomplain ${f_or_d}.macports/*] {
                    xinstall -m 0644 ${f} \
                        ${f_or_d}/[file tail ${f}]

proc patch_configuration {patchfile configfile configdefault} {
    global patch.cmd patch.pre_args 
    # save the previous configuration
    if { [file exists ${configfile}] } {
        delete ${configfile}.previous
        copy \
            ${configfile} \
    # create or initialize the configfile
    if { ![file exists ${configfile}] || [variant_isset "initialize_always"] } {
        delete ${configfile}
        if { [file exists ${configdefault}] } {
            xinstall -m 0644 ${configdefault} ${configfile}
        } elseif { [file exists ${configfile}.previous] } {
            xinstall -m 0644 ${configfile}.previous ${configfile}
    # patch the configfile if it's the default
    if { [portchecksum::calc_rmd160 ${configfile}] 
        eq [portchecksum::calc_rmd160 ${configdefault}] } {
        system \
            "${patch.cmd} ${patch.pre_args} \
                -f -l -N -r /dev/null ${configfile} < ${patchfile}"
    } else {
        ui_warn "File ${configfile} is not the default
\tand *not* being patched."

proc plutil_startup {plcmds label} {
    global prefix startupitem.location
    foreach cmd ${plcmds} {
        system -W ${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/${label} \
            "/usr/bin/plutil ${cmd} ${label}.plist"

set notes_pf        "The PF configuration provides an adaptive firewall\
    that blocks brute force attacks, and connections from IP addresses\
    provided by the crowd-sourced lists dshield and emergingthreats. PF\
    uses this environment variable (with default value):


set notes_proxy     "The proxy uses a chain of squid (port 3128) and\
    privoxy (port 8118) along with a blackhole provided by nginx (port 8119).\
    Domain names provided by hphosts and a blacklist file are blocked, excluding\
    whitelisted domain names. These are provised in the files:


    The proxy also provides a proxy autoconfiguration (PAC) file with\
    blocking rules generated from easylist ad and tracker blocks. The\
    proxy uses these environment variables (with default values):


    The native macOS web server is used by default to host the PAC file.\
    This web server must be launched independently with the command

sudo apachectl start

    Clients may be configured to use this proxy by either host:port or\
    the PAC file:


if {${name} eq ${subport}} {
    description     Firewall, Blackhole, and Privatizing Proxy for Trackers, Attackers, Malware, Adware, and Spammers
    long_description    \
        Kernel-level, OS-level, and client-level security for macOS. Built\
        to block attacks using open source databases, and block ads,\
        malicious scripts, and conceal information used for web tracking.\
        Uses PF, squid, privoxy, hphosts, dshield, emergingthreats,\
        hostsfile, and a proxy autoconfiguration (PAC) file.

    homepage        https://github.com/essandess/macOS-Fortress

    depends_lib-append \
                    port:${name}-pf \
    destroot {
        xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/logrotate.d
        xinstall -m 0755 \
            ${filespath}/macosfortress_setup_check.sh ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
        xinstall -m 0644 \
            ${filespath}/logrotate.d.macos-fortress \
        foreach cmd [list \
            "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
            "s|@NAME@|${name}|g" \
            "s|@PROXY_HOSTNAME@|${proxy_hostname}|g" \
            "s|@PROXY_SERVER@|${proxy_server}|g" \
            "s|@PROXY_PAC_SERVER@|${proxy_pac_server}|g" \
            "s|@PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY@|${proxy_pac_directory}|g" \
            ] {
            reinplace -q ${cmd} \
                ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/macosfortress_setup_check.sh \

    startupitem.create \
    startupitem.start \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/port load ${name}-pf
\t\${prefix}/bin/port load ${name}-proxy"
    startupitem.stop \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/port unload ${name}-pf
\t\${prefix}/bin/port unload ${name}-proxy"
    startupitem.restart \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/port reload ${name}-pf
\t\${prefix}/bin/port reload ${name}-proxy"

    post-activate {
        # modify the launch daemons
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \

    notes   "The port ${name} is comprised of two independent.\
        configurable components: the PF firewall and the proxy chain,\
        provided by the ports:


        To check the status of all the dependent daemons and to see\
        a count of the number of firewall attacks, run:

sudo macosfortress_setup_check.sh
sudo pf_attacks.sh

        After initial installation, it is necessary to kickstart these\
        launch daemons, which do not run at load:

sudo port load ${name}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${name}-dshield
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${name}-emergingthreats
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${name}-hphosts
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.adblock2privoxy
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${name}-easylistpac



subport ${name}-pf {
    description     PF Firewall with dhield, emergingthreats, and \
        adaptive bruteforce blocks
    long_description \

    depends_lib-append \
                    port:${name}-dshield \
                    port:${name}-emergingthreats \

    destroot {
        xinstall -d \
            ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
        destroot.keepdirs \
            ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
        xinstall -m 0644 \
            ${filespath}/pf.conf \
        xinstall -m 0644 \
            ${filespath}/blockips.conf \
        xinstall -m 0755 \
            ${filespath}/pf_attacks.sh \

    startupitem.create \
    startupitems \
        name        ${subport} \
        init        "PF_CONF=\"\${PF_CONF:-${pf_conf_prefix}}\"" \
        start       "for tt in {1..4}; do \\
\t\tif \[\[ `/sbin/ifconfig | \${prefix}/bin/pcregrep -M -o '^\[^\\t:\]+:(\[^\\n\]|\\n\\t)*status: active' | egrep -o -m 1 '^\[^\\t:\]+'` = '' \]\]; then \\
\t\t\tsleep 45; \\
\t\telse \\
\t\t\t/sbin/pfctl -Fall \\
\t\t\t&& /sbin/pfctl -ef \${PF_CONF}; \\
\t\t\tbreak; \\
\t\tfi; \\
\tdone" \
        stop        "/sbin/pfctl -d" \
        pidfile     none \
        name        ${subport}.brutexpire \
        executable  /sbin/pfctl \
        pidfile     none \
        name        ${subport}.subports \
        start \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/port load ${name}-dshield
\t\${prefix}/bin/port load ${name}-emergingthreats" \
        stop \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/port unload ${name}-dshield
\t\${prefix}/bin/port unload ${name}-emergingthreats" \
        restart \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/port reload ${name}-dshield
\t\${prefix}/bin/port reload ${name}-emergingthreats" \
        pidfile     none

    post-activate {
        # use network settings for installed example configuration
        # route -n get default | grep 'interface:' | grep -o '[^ ]*$'
        set interface [exec sh -c \
            "route -n get default \
                | grep 'interface:' \
                | grep -o '\[^ \]*\$'"]

        ui_msg "Configuring ${subport} with:

interface :                ${interface}
        foreach cmd [list \
            "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
            "s|@NAME@|${name}|g" \
            "s|@INTERFACE@|${interface}|g" \
            ] {
            reinplace -q ${cmd} \
        foreach cmd [list \
            "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
            "s|@NAME@|${name}|g" \
            ] {
            reinplace -q ${cmd} \
        install_initial_configuration \
            ${prefix}/etc/${name}/blockips.conf \
        # modify the launch daemons
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \
        # bruteforce expiration launchd daemon
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-insert Program -string /sbin/pfctl" \
            "-replace ProgramArguments \
                -xml '<array> \
                      <string>/sbin/pfctl</string> \
                      <string>-t</string> \
                      <string>bruteforce</string> \
                      <string>-T</string> \
                      <string>expire</string> \
                      <string>604800</string> \
                    </array>'" \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
            "-insert StartInterval -integer 86400" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \

    notes   ${notes_pf}

subport ${name}-dshield {
    description     DShield is a community-based collaborative firewall \
        log correlation system. 
    long_description \

    depends_run-append \
                    port:gnupg2 \
                    port:perl${perl5_major_version} \
                    port:p${perl5_major_version}-data-validate-ip \

    destroot {
        xinstall -d \
            ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
        destroot.keepdirs \
            ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
        # sudo gpg --homedir /var/root/.gnupg --export --armor --output ~/Downloads/dshield_pubkey_file.txt blocklist@dshield.org
        xinstall -m 0644 \
            ${filespath}/dshield_pubkey_file.txt \

    startupitem.create \
    startupitem.name \
    startupitem.init \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/gpg --homedir /var/root/.gnupg --import \${prefix}/etc/${name}/dshield_pubkey_file.txt"
    startupitem.start \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} http://feeds.dshield.org/block.txt \\
\t&& \${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} http://feeds.dshield.org/block.txt.asc \\
\t&& \${prefix}/bin/gpg --verify \${prefix}/etc/${name}/block.txt.asc \${prefix}/etc/${name}/block.txt \\
\t&& \${prefix}/bin/perl${perl5_major_version} -ane 'use Data::Validate::IP; my \$vip=Data::Validate::IP->new; if (/^\\w*#/) { print; } elsif (\$vip->is_ipv4(\$F\[0\]) & \$vip->is_ipv4(\$F\[1\]) & \$F\[2\] =~ /\[\[:digit:\]\]/ & (0<= \$F\[2\] & \$F\[2\]<=32)) { print \$F\[0\], \"/\", \$F\[2\], \"\\n\"; }' \\
\t\t\${prefix}/etc/${name}/block.txt \\
\t\t> /tmp/dshield_block_ip.txt \\
\t&& install -m 644 -g admin -S /tmp/dshield_block_ip.txt \${prefix}/etc/${name}/dshield_block_ip.txt ; \\
\trm -f /tmp/dshield_block_ip.txt ; \\
\t/sbin/pfctl -a blockips -T load -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/blockips.conf"
    startupitem.pidfile \

    post-activate {
        # modify the launch daemons
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-replace ProgramArguments \
                -xml '<array> \
                      <string>${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${startupitem.name}/${subport}.wrapper</string> \
                      <string>start</string> \
                    </array>'" \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
            "-insert StartInterval -integer 11250" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \

    notes \
        "The launch daemon org.macports.${subport} is configured with\
    RunAtLoad false. To initialize this service at its first load, run:

sudo port load ${subport}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${subport}"

subport ${name}-emergingthreats {
    description     Emerging Threats rule server.
    long_description \

    depends_run-append \

    destroot {
        xinstall -d \
            ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
        destroot.keepdirs \
            ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \

    startupitem.create \
    startupitem.name \
    startupitem.start \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} http://rules.emergingthreats.net/fwrules/emerging-Block-IPs.txt ; \\
\t\${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} http://rules.emergingthreats.net/blockrules/compromised-ips.txt ; \\
\t/sbin/pfctl -a blockips -T load -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/blockips.conf"
    startupitem.pidfile \

    post-activate {
        # modify the launch daemons
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-replace ProgramArguments \
                -xml '<array> \
                      <string>${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${startupitem.name}/${subport}.wrapper</string> \
                      <string>start</string> \
                    </array>'" \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
            "-insert StartInterval -integer 47250" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \

    notes           "The launch daemon org.macports.${subport} is configured with\
    RunAtLoad false. To initialize this service at its first load, run:

sudo port load ${subport}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${subport}"

subport ${name}-proxy {
    description     Blackhole and Privatizing Proxy.

    depends_lib-append \
                    port:${name}-easylistpac \
                    port:${name}-hphosts \
                    port:adblock2privoxy \
                    port:privoxy \

    # squid patch file creation
    # mkdir squid-orig squid-new
    # cp ${prefix}/etc/squid.conf.documented squid-orig/squid.conf
    # cp squid.conf.new squid-new/squid.conf
    # sed -E -i -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' squid-orig/squid.conf
    # diff -NaurdwB -I '^ *#.*' ./squid-orig/squid.conf ./squid-new/squid.conf | sed -E -e 's/\.\/squid-(orig|new)\/(squid.conf)(\.[[:alnum:]]+)*/\.\/squid.conf/' | sed -E -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' > ~/Downloads/squid-squid.conf.patch
    # privoxy patch file creation
    # diff -NaurdwB -I '^ *#.*' ./privoxy-orig/config ./privoxy-new/config | sed -E -e 's/\.\/privoxy-(orig|new)\/(config)(\.[[:alnum:]]+)*/\.\/config/' | sed -E -e 's|/opt/local|@PREFIX@|g' > ~/Downloads/privoxy-config.patch
    destroot {
        xinstall -m 0644 \
            ${filespath}/squid-squid.conf.patch \
            ${filespath}/privoxy-config.patch \
            ${filespath}/privoxy-match-all.action.patch \
        foreach cmd [list \
            "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
            "s|@PROXY_HOSTNAME@|${proxy_hostname}|g" \
            "s|@PROXY_SERVER@|${proxy_server}|g" \
            ] {
            reinplace -q ${cmd} \
                ${workpath}/squid-squid.conf.patch \
                ${workpath}/privoxy-config.patch \

    startupitem.create \
    startupitems \
        name        ${subport} \
        start       "\${prefix}/bin/port load ${name}-hphosts
\t\${prefix}/bin/port load squid4
\t\${prefix}/bin/port load privoxy
\t\${prefix}/bin/port load adblock2privoxy
\t\${prefix}/bin/port load ${name}-easylistpac" \
        stop        "\${prefix}/bin/port unload ${name}-hphosts
\t\${prefix}/bin/port unload squid4
\t\${prefix}/bin/port unload privoxy
\t\${prefix}/bin/port unload adblock2privoxy
\t\${prefix}/bin/port unload ${name}-easylistpac" \
        restart     "\${prefix}/bin/port reload ${name}-hphosts
\t\${prefix}/bin/port reload squid4
\t\${prefix}/bin/port reload privoxy
\t\${prefix}/bin/port reload adblock2privoxy
\t\${prefix}/bin/port reload ${name}-easylistpac" \
        pidfile     none \
        name        ${subport}.squid-rotate \
        executable  ${prefix}/sbin/squid \
        pidfile     none

    post-activate {
        patch_configuration \
            ${workpath}/squid-squid.conf.patch \
            ${prefix}/etc/squid/squid.conf \
        patch_configuration \
            ${workpath}/privoxy-config.patch \
            ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/config \
        patch_configuration \
            ${workpath}/privoxy-match-all.action.patch \
            ${prefix}/etc/privoxy/match-all.action \

        # modify the launch daemons
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool YES" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \
        # bruteforce expiration launchd daemon
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-insert Program -string ${prefix}/sbin/squid" \
            "-replace ProgramArguments \
                -xml '<array> \
                  <string>/bin/bash</string> \
                  <string>-c</string> \
                  <string>${prefix}/sbin/squid -k rotate ; find ${prefix}/var/squid/logs -mindepth 1 -mtime +30 -exec rm {} &apos;;&apos;</string>
                </array>'" \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert StartCalendarInterval \
                -xml '<dict> \
                  <key>Hour</key> \
                  <integer>0</integer> \
                </dict>'" \
            ] \

    notes   ${notes_proxy}

subport ${name}-easylistpac {
    PortGroup       github 1.0

    github.setup    essandess easylist-pac-privoxy 4db116b
    version         2019.06.18
    revision        0

    description     EasyList Tracker and Adblocks to Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) File
    long_description \
        Converts EasyList tracker and ad blocking rules to efficient \
        network-level blocks in a proxy.pac file for automatic proxy \
        network configurations and Privoxy proxy servers. Easily \
        incorporates multiple blocking rulesets into both PAC and \
        Privoxy formats, including easyprivacy.txt, easylist.txt, \
        fanboy-annoyance.txt, fanboy-social.txt, \
        antiadblockfilters.txt, malwaredomains_full.txt, and the \
        anti-spamware list adblock-list.txt.

    homepage        https://github.com/essandess/easylist-pac-privoxy

    checksums       rmd160  0f3b2e47c2cf0c2a15b81525e42f6be7b06b7761 \
                    sha256  ece58c6b1bb60439fded12b767f552d100f86f1272d3c3fac5477cb8c62232cf \
                    size    81495

    depends_lib-append \
                    port:adblock2privoxy \
                    port:python${python3_version_nickname} \
                    port:py${python3_version_nickname}-matplotlib \
                    port:py${python3_version_nickname}-numpy \

    destroot {
        xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}
        xinstall -m 0755 -W ${worksrcpath} easylist_pac.py \
        xinstall -m 0644 proxy.pac \
        reinplace -E \
            "1s|env\[\[:space:\]\]+python3|env ${prefix}/bin/python${python3_version}|" \

    startupitem.create \
    startupitem.name \
    startupitem.init \

test -f \${PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY}/proxy.pac.orig \\
\t|| install -m 0644 -S \${PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY}/proxy.pac \${PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY}/proxy.pac.orig"
   startupitem.start \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/easylist_pac.py \\
\t\t-p \${PROXY_PAC_SERVER}:3128 -b \${PROXY_PAC_SERVER}:8119 \\
\t\t-d \${prefix}/etc/${name} \\
\t\t-P \${PROXY_PAC_DIRECTORY}/proxy.pac.orig \\
\t&& install -m 0644 -g admin -S \${prefix}/etc/${name}/proxy.pac \\
    startupitem.pidfile \

    post-activate {
        install_initial_configuration \
        if { ![file isfile ${proxy_pac_directory}/proxy.pac] } {
            xinstall -m 0644 ${prefix}/etc/${name}/proxy.pac \
        # modify the launch daemons
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-replace ProgramArguments \
                -xml '<array> \
                      <string>${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${startupitem.name}/${subport}.wrapper</string> \
                      <string>start</string> \
                    </array>'" \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
            "-insert StartCalendarInterval \
                -xml '<array> \
                    <dict> \
                        <key>Weekday</key> \
                        <integer>7</integer> \
                        <key>Hour</key> \
                        <integer>1</integer> \
                        <key>Minute</key> \
                        <integer>10</integer> \
                    </dict> \
                </array>'" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \

    notes   "The location of the proxy autoconfiguration (PAC)\
        file and the web server IP address are specified by the\
        environment variables (with default values):


        The native macOS Web Server must be started with the command:

sudo apachectl start

        The launch daemon org.macports.${subport} is configured with\
        RunAtLoad false. To initialize this service at its first load, run:

sudo port load ${subport}
sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${subport}"

subport ${name}-hphosts {
    description     A community managed and maintained hosts file.
    long_description \
        hpHosts is a community managed and maintained hosts file that \
        allows an additional layer of protection against access to ad, \
        tracking and malicious websites.

    depends_run-append \
                    port:gnupg2 \
                    port:perl${perl5_major_version} \
                    port:p${perl5_major_version}-data-validate-domain \

    destroot {
        xinstall -d \
            ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
        destroot.keepdirs \
            ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name} \
        # N.b. do *not* use filename "hosts.orig" because mprsyncup uses
        # `rsync -aIC`. The -C flag causes .orig files to be excluded
        foreach f { blacklist.txt hosts-orig whitelist.txt } {
            xinstall -m 0644 \
                ${filespath}/${f} \
        # sudo gpg --homedir /var/root/.gnupg --export --armor --output ~/Downloads/hphosts_pubkey_file.txt services@it-mate.co.uk
        xinstall -m 0644 \
            ${filespath}/hphosts_pubkey_file.txt \

    startupitem.create \
    startupitem.name \
    startupitem.init \
                    "\${prefix}/bin/gpg --homedir /var/root/.gnupg --import \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hphosts_pubkey_file.txt"
    startupitem.start \
                    "( /bin/test -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-orig \\
\t\t|| install -m 0644 -S /etc/hosts \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-orig ) \\
\t&& cp \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-orig /tmp/hosts \\
\t&& \${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} http://hosts-file.net/download/hosts.zip \\
\t&& \${prefix}/bin/wget -N -P \${prefix}/etc/${name} http://hosts-file.net/hphosts-partial.asp \\
\t&& unzip -o \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts.zip -d /tmp/hphosts \\
\t&& \${prefix}/bin/gpg --verify /tmp/hphosts/hosts.txt.asc /tmp/hphosts/hosts.txt \\
\t&& ( test -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/whitelist.txt \\
\t\t|| printf '\\n# whitelisted hosts (FQDN and DN) will be deleted from hphost'\"'\"'s host.zip\\n#\\n' \\
\t\t\t> \${prefix}/etc/${name}/whitelist.txt ) \\
\t&& printf '\\n# hpHosts hosts.txt from http://hosts-file.net/download/hosts.zip:\\n' \\
\t\t> /tmp/hosts-block.txt \\
\t&& cat /tmp/hphosts/hosts.txt \\
\t\t| tr -d '\\015' \\
\t\t| \${prefix}/bin/perl${perl5_major_version} -ane 'use POSIX; use Data::Validate::Domain qw(is_domain); { if (/^127\\.0\\.0\\.1\\s*(.+)$/) { print qq#\\t\$1\\n# if is_domain(\$1); } else { print; } }' \\
\t\t\t>> /tmp/hosts-block.txt \\
\t&& printf '\\n# hpHosts hphosts-partial.asp from http://hosts-file.net/hphosts-partial.asp:\\n' \\
\t\t>> /tmp/hosts-block.txt \\
\t&& cat \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hphosts-partial.asp \\
\t\t| tr -d '\\015' \\
\t\t| \${prefix}/bin/perl${perl5_major_version} -ane 'use POSIX; use Data::Validate::Domain qw(is_domain); { if (/^127\.0\.0\.1\\s*(.+)$/) { print qq#\\t\$1\\n# if is_domain(\$1); } else { print; } }' \\
\t\t\t>> /tmp/hosts-block.txt \\
\t&& ( test -f \${prefix}/etc/${name}/blacklist.txt \\
\t&& cat \${prefix}/etc/${name}/blacklist.txt \\
\t\t\t>> /tmp/hosts ) \\
\t&& grep -v -E \"`\${prefix}/bin/perl${perl5_major_version} -ane 'BEGIN{\$s=qw#\\\\s+(#}; { if (!/^\\w*#/&length(\$F\[0\])>0){\$s = \$s . \$F\[0\] . qw(|);}} END{\$s = substr(\$s,0,length(\$s)-1) . qw#)\\\\s*#; \$s=~s/\\\\./\\\\\\\\./g; print \$s;}' \${prefix}/etc/${name}/whitelist.txt`\" /tmp/hosts-block.txt \\
\t\t>> /tmp/hosts \\
    \t&& install -m 0644 -S /tmp/hosts \${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-hphosts ; \\
\trm -fr /tmp/hosts /tmp/hphosts /tmp/hosts-block.txt ; \\
\t\${prefix}/sbin/squid -k reconfigure"
    startupitem.pidfile \

    post-activate {
        install_initial_configuration \
            ${prefix}/etc/${name}/blacklist.txt \
            ${prefix}/etc/${name}/hosts-orig \
        # modify the launch daemons
        plutil_startup [list \
            "-replace ProgramArguments \
                -xml '<array> \
                      <string>${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${startupitem.name}/${subport}.wrapper</string> \
                      <string>start</string> \
                    </array>'" \
            "-remove KeepAlive" \
            "-insert RunAtLoad -bool NO" \
            "-insert StartInterval -integer 86850" \
            "-insert StandardErrorPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            "-insert StandardOutPath -string ${prefix}/var/log/${name}.log" \
            ] \

    notes   "The launch daemon org.macports.${subport} is configured with\
    RunAtLoad false. To initialize this service at its first load, run:

    sudo port load ${subport}
    sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/org.macports.${subport}"

if { [variant_isset "initialize_always"] } {
    if {[exists notes]} {
        # leave a blank line after the existing notes
        notes-append ""
    notes-append \
        "The variant +initialize_always is set, which initializes\
        all configuration files. Please disable this variant for\
        working deployments."