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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           github 1.0
PortGroup           cmake 1.1
PortGroup           cxx11 1.1

github.setup        mujx matrix-structs 8de04af
version             2018-07-14
categories          net devel
platforms           darwin
license             public-domain
maintainers         {@scarface-one disroot.org:scarface} openmaintainer
description         structs for the matrix library
long_description    Collection of structs used in the Matrix protocol \
                    with built in serialization/deserialization to/from \

checksums           rmd160  a8cb9bf9e3da1ebfad3d77198015f0fda16a80d7 \
                    sha256  894f15d0a83a4970c5783e099bde296187ae0f0a3ca752a5a9cecef323e8878c \
                    size    412111