PortSystem 1.0

name            sysmon
version         0.93
revision        1
categories      net
maintainers     {geeklair.net:dluke @danielluke}
description     sysmon network monitoring software
#license	GPL with Openssl Exception
license		{GPL OpenSSLException}

long_description        Sysmon is a network monitoring tool designed to \
                        provide high performance and accurate network \
                        monitoring.  Currently supported protocols include \
                        SMTP, IMAP, HTTP, TCP, UDP, NNTP, and PING tests.
homepage        http://www.sysmon.org
master_sites    ftp://puck.nether.net/pub/jared/
checksums	md5	52783d22d9e26fa2a2fe0f0d81e7b447 \
		sha1	9802be83f1b88577fcdaad9b9447ce9fe48163a5 \
		rmd160	77a276a3964f4830dc4351c19741be724e95ec42

platforms       darwin

depends_lib	path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl

destroot.destdir       prefix=${destroot}${prefix}