# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0
name             tcpick
version          0.2.1
categories       net
maintainers      nomaintainer
description      a tcp stream sniffer, tracker and capturer
long_description \
	tcpick is a textmode sniffer libpcap-based that can track, \
	reassemble and reorder tcp streams. Tcpick is able to save \
	the captured flows in different files or displays them in \
	the terminal, and so it is useful to sniff files that are \
	transmitted via ftp or http. It can display all the stream \
	on the terminal, when the connection is closed in different \
	display modes like hexdump, hexdump + ascii, only printable \
	charachters, raw mode and so on. Available a color mode \
	too, helpful to read and understand better the output of \
	the program. Actually it can handle several interfaces, \
	including ethernet cards and ppp. It is useful to keep \
	track of what users of a network are doing, and is usable \
	with textmode tools like grep, sed, awk.
homepage         http://tcpick.sourceforge.net/
platforms        darwin
master_sites     sourceforge
checksums        md5 bb94f2f9ea81aeb645619fbe9b3b9a29

depends_lib      port:libpcap

configure.args   --mandir=${prefix}/share/man