PortSystem 1.0

name			ucspi-tcp
version			0.88
revision		2
categories		net
platforms		darwin
maintainers		nomaintainer

description		command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications

long_description	tcpserver waits for incoming connections and, for each \
			connection, runs a program of your choice. Your program receives \
			environment variables showing the local and remote host names, IP \
			addresses, and port numbers. tcpclient makes a TCP connection and \
			runs a program of your choice. It sets up the same environment \
			variables as tcpserver.

homepage		https://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp.html
master_sites		https://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/
patch_sites		https://www.fehcom.de/qmail/rblsmtpd:greetdelay

checksums		${distname}${extract.suffix} \
				md5 39b619147db54687c4a583a7a94c9163 \
                        	sha1 793b4189795b563085602c030dd8aa0d206ddc0e \
				rmd160 eb20085ea6ffd5d137a805f7c8768e0312c1f56a \
			rblsmtpd.c.greetdelay \
				md5 ce526be5be5c3ba2eab0f3624af9256f \
				sha1 f52db52bbdee794e2cf0f79d3d5c861e1e2b5e31 \
				rmd160 68ad0a181c9a4c7d6b40f042ebff4838fe2e29f3

variant greetdelay description {Add configurable delay to discourage Spambots to rblsmtpd} {
	patchfiles-append	rblsmtpd.c.greetdelay:greetdelay

variant limits description {Ability to limit connections by server} {
	patchfiles-append	patch-tcpserver.c.diff

configure	{
	reinplace "s|/usr/local|${destroot}${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/conf-home
	reinplace "s%/etc/dnsrewrite%${prefix}&%" ${worksrcpath}/dns_rcrw.c


destroot.target	setup
post-destroot	{
	reinplace "s|${destroot}${prefix}|${prefix}|g" \
		${destroot}${prefix}/bin/finger@ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/http@ \
		${destroot}${prefix}/bin/mconnect ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/tcpcat \
	xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
	xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} CHANGES README TODO VERSION \
	xinstall -W ${filespath} LIMITS.TXT ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/