PortSystem 1.0

name		unfs3
version		0.9.22
categories	net
platforms	darwin
license		BSD zlib
maintainers	nomaintainer

homepage	http://unfs3.sourceforge.net/
description	User-space implementation of the NFSv3 server specification
long_description \
		UNFS3 User-space implementation of the NFSv3 server \
		specification. It provides a daemon for the MOUNT \
		and NFS protocols, which are used by NFS clients \
		for accessing files on the server. 

master_sites	sourceforge:project/unfs3/unfs3/${version}
checksums	md5	ddf679a5d4d80096a59f3affc64f16e5 \
		sha1	a6c83e1210ce75836c672cd76e66577bfef7a17a \
		rmd160	de51d1c6049a265a1a790fc3b59907202c82e1f5