# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           active_variants 1.1

name                zabbix4
revision            0
categories          net
maintainers         {eborisch @eborisch} openmaintainer
platforms           darwin

license             GPL-2+
license_noconflict  openssl

description         An open source application and network monitor

long_description    Zabbix is the ultimate open source availability and \
                    performance monitoring solution. Zabbix offers advanced \
                    monitoring, alerting, and visualization features today \
                    which are missing in other monitoring systems, even some \
                    of the best commercial ones. 

array set VERSIONS {
    4  4.0.14
    42 4.2.8
    44 4.4.1

set zver            [regsub -all {[^\d]} ${subport} {}]
version             $VERSIONS(${zver})

distname            zabbix-${version}
livecheck.name      zabbix

livecheck.url \
homepage            http://www.zabbix.com/
master_sites \
    sourceforge:project/zabbix/ZABBIX%20Latest%20Stable/${version} \
dist_subdir         zabbix${zver}

if {$zver == 4} {
    livecheck.regex     "zabbix-(4\.0\.\[0-9\]+).tar.gz"
    checksums \
        rmd160  8bdf1912a0b180080fe746ca9f90608c2445f55f \
        sha256  6b76424f750d213fe60b41440539e1dd9e2676d532a07cb2e93807c35cefed45 \
        size    17180904
if {$zver == 42} {
    livecheck.regex     "zabbix-(4\.2\.\[0-9\]+).tar.gz"
    checksums \
        rmd160  6108c446e0c92c7388b7eaf31b9fd628b15c06e4 \
        sha256  57dbc2a95a09581b5196d2abc86ee1aaf65f3c909d6b4bc53d260dc4dd69b9c6 \
        size    18332348

if {$zver == 44} {
    livecheck.regex     "zabbix-(4\.4\.\[0-9\]+).tar.gz"
    checksums \
        rmd160  12b4c8da56fa1e1c4b30bc8145b09231ccd0c29a \
        sha256  0bf74e597dd41a558305fe17a2b1ed6fe2d77044b87696a92e4227fbf315564a \
        size    20449635

patchfiles          log_and_pid_locations.patch

universal_variant   no

subport             zabbix42            {conflicts zabbix4 zabbix44}
subport             zabbix44            {conflicts zabbix4 zabbix42}

subport             zabbix4-agent       {conflicts zabbix42-agent zabbix44-agent}
subport             zabbix42-agent      {conflicts zabbix4-agent zabbix44-agent}
subport             zabbix44-agent      {conflicts zabbix4-agent zabbix42-agent}

subport             zabbix4-frontend    {conflicts zabbix42-frontend \
subport             zabbix42-frontend   {conflicts zabbix4-frontend \
subport             zabbix44-frontend   {conflicts zabbix4-frontend \

proc isFlavor {desc subp} {
    if {[string first ${desc} ${subp}] >= 0} {
        return 1
    } else {
        return 0

configure.args      --bindir=${prefix}/bin/zabbix \
                    --sbindir=${prefix}/sbin/zabbix \
                    --libexecdir=${prefix}/libexec/zabbix \
                    --datadir=${prefix}/share/zabbix \
                    --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver} \
                    --localstatedir=${prefix}/var/zabbix \
                    --with-gnutls=${prefix} \
                    --enable-ipv6 \
                    --with-libevent=${prefix} \

configure.ldflags-append    -lresolv

if {![isFlavor frontend ${subport}]} {
    startupitem.create      yes
    depends_lib-append      port:libiconv \
                            port:gnutls \
                            port:pcre \

if {[isFlavor agent ${subport}]} {
    long_description-append "\n * ${subport} provides a local monitoring agent."
    conflicts-append        zabbix2-agent zabbix3-agent
    startupitem.name        zabbix${zver}-agentd
    startupitem.executable  \
        ${prefix}/sbin/zabbix/zabbix_agentd \
        -c ${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/zabbix_agentd.conf
    startupitem.pidfile     auto ${prefix}/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.pid
    startupitem.logfile     ${prefix}/var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.launch

    configure.args-append   --enable-agent
    # Revisit if/when upstream supports building on OSX
    #if {$zver == 44} {
    #    configure.args-append   --enable-agent2
    #    build.env-append    GOPATH=${worksrcpath}/src/zabbix

    destroot.keepdirs \
        ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/zabbix_agentd.conf.d \
        ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/zabbix \
} elseif {[isFlavor frontend ${subport}]} {
    long_description-append "\n * ${subport} provides the web (PHP) frontend."
    supported_archs         noarch
    depends_run-append      port:apache2

    variant nls description "Include translation files." {

    foreach php {php56 php70 php71 php72 php73} {
        variant ${php} description "Use ${php}" "
            depends_run-append      port:${php} \
                                    port:${php}-apache2handler \
                                    port:${php}-gd \
                                    port:${php}-gettext \
                                    port:${php}-mbstring \

    if {![variant_isset php56] && ![variant_isset php70]
                               && ![variant_isset php71]
                               && ![variant_isset php72]
                               && ![variant_isset php73]} {
        default_variants        +php73
    use_configure           no
    build {}
    # Kept in post-destroot sections below for consistency
    destroot {}
} else {
    long_description-append "This port provides the central server component."
    conflicts-append        zabbix zabbix2 zabbix3

    depends_lib-append      port:curl \
                            port:OpenIPMI \
                            port:libssh2 \
                            port:libxml2 \
                            port:net-snmp \
                            port:openssl \

    depends_run-append      port:fping

    configure.args-append   --enable-server \
                            --with-libcurl=${prefix}/bin/curl-config \
                            --with-net-snmp \
                            --with-openipmi=${prefix} \
                            --with-ssh2=${prefix} \

    startupitem.name        zabbix${zver}-server
    startupitem.start       ${prefix}/sbin/zabbix/zabbix_server
    set pidfile             ${prefix}/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid
    # Gracefully wait up to two minutes for zabbix to shut down / clean up
    startupitem.stop \
        "let x=120; while /usr/bin/pkill -u zabbix -F ${pidfile}; \
         do sleep 1; let x--; \[ \$x -le 0 \] && break; done"
    startupitem.logfile     ${prefix}/var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.launch
    startupitem.netchange   yes

    destroot.keepdirs \
        ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/zabbix_server.conf.d \
        ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run/zabbix${zver} \

    variant full_server description {
        Dependencies for a complete server (w/DB) are installed.
    } {}
    variant frontend description {Include frontend PHP files / deps} {
        depends_run-append  port:zabbix${zver}-frontend

    default_variants-append +frontend

if {![isFlavor agent ${subport}]} {
    # Logic for database backends. Needed for -frontend and -server
    # Items are "display name" "port name" "config arg" "php interface"
    array set DBLIST {
        mysql5  {"MySQL 5.x"            mysql5 \
                 mysql=${prefix}/lib/mysql5/bin/mysql_config mysql}
        mysql56 {"MySQL 5.6"            mysql56 \
                 mysql=${prefix}/lib/mysql56/bin/mysql_config mysql}
        mysql57 {"MySQL 5.7"            mysql57 \
                 mysql=${prefix}/lib/mysql57/bin/mysql_config mysql}
        mariadb {"MariaDB"              mariadb \
                 mysql=${prefix}/lib/mariadb/bin/mysql_config mysql}
        mariadb101 {"MariaDB 10.1"         mariadb-10.1 \
                 mysql=${prefix}/lib/mariadb-10.1/bin/mysql_config mysql}
        mariadb102 {"MariaDB 10.2"         mariadb-10.2 \
                 mysql=${prefix}/lib/mariadb-10.2/bin/mysql_config mysql}
        percona {"Percona"              percona \
                 mysql=${prefix}/lib/percona/bin/mysql_config mysql}
        pgsql84 {"PostgreSQL 8.4.x"     postgresql84 \
                 postgresql=${prefix}/lib/postgresql84/bin/pg_config postgresql}
        pgsql95 {"PostgreSQL 9.5.x"     postgresql95 \
                 postgresql=${prefix}/lib/postgresql95/bin/pg_config postgresql}
        pgsql96 {"PostgreSQL 9.6.x"     postgresql96 \
                 postgresql=${prefix}/lib/postgresql96/bin/pg_config postgresql}
        sqlite3 {"SQLite 3.x"           sqlite3 \
                 sqlite3=${prefix} sqlite}

    set DBLIST_KEYS [lsort [array names DBLIST]]
    foreach dbitem $DBLIST_KEYS {
        set this_key [lsearch -exact $DBLIST_KEYS $dbitem]
        set conf_list [lreplace $DBLIST_KEYS $this_key $this_key]
        set prms $DBLIST($dbitem)
        variant $dbitem description \
          "Use [lindex ${prms} 0] for server database" \
          conflicts {*}${conf_list} "

            set ::ZDB               [lindex ${prms} 1]
            set ::DBFILES           [lindex ${prms} 3]
            set ::MYSQL_MODE        [string equal [lindex ${prms} 3] mysql]
            configure.args-append   --with-[lindex ${prms} 2]

            if {[isFlavor frontend ${subport}]} {
                if {[variant_isset php56]} {
                    depends_run-append \
                        port:php56-[lindex ${prms} 3]

                if {[variant_isset php70]} {
                    depends_run-append \
                        port:php70-[lindex ${prms} 3]

                if {[variant_isset php71]} {
                    depends_run-append \
                        port:php71-[lindex ${prms} 3]

                if {[variant_isset php72]} {
                    depends_run-append \
                        port:php72-[lindex ${prms} 3]

                if {[variant_isset php73]} {
                    depends_run-append \
                        port:php73-[lindex ${prms} 3]
            } else {
                depends_lib-append      port:[lindex ${prms} 1]
                require_active_variants port:zabbix${zver}-agent ${dbitem}

            if {[string compare ${dbitem} sqlite3] && \
                 [variant_isset full_server]} {
                depends_run-append \
                    port:[lindex ${prms} 1]-server

    if {![variant_isset mysql5] &&
        ![variant_isset mysql56] &&
        ![variant_isset mysql57] &&
        ![variant_isset mariadb] &&
        ![variant_isset mariadb101] &&
        ![variant_isset mariadb102] &&
        ![variant_isset percona] &&
        ![variant_isset pgsql84] &&
        ![variant_isset pgsql95] &&
        ![variant_isset pgsql96] &&
        ![variant_isset sqlite3]} {
        default_variants            +mysql57

post-extract {
    if {[string first - ${subport}] == -1} {
        if { ${MYSQL_MODE} == 1 &&
             [variant_isset full_server] } {
                set repstr "s|# DBSocket=|"
                append repstr "DBSocket=${prefix}/var/run/${ZDB}/mysqld.sock|"
            reinplace ${repstr} ${worksrcpath}/conf/zabbix_server.conf
    set repstr "s|# FpingLocation=/usr/sbin/fping|"
    append repstr "FpingLocation=${prefix}/sbin/fping|"
    reinplace ${repstr} ${worksrcpath}/conf/zabbix_server.conf

post-patch {
    reinplace "s|%%PREFIX%%|${prefix}|" \
        conf/zabbix_agentd.conf conf/zabbix_server.conf
    reinplace "s|/usr/local/etc|${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}|" \
        conf/zabbix_agentd.conf conf/zabbix_server.conf

add_users zabbix group=zabbix

post-destroot {
    if {[isFlavor agent ${subport}]} {
     ####### AGENT #######
# Copy sample agent .conf files
        xinstall -m 755 -d \
        xinstall -m 755  ${worksrcpath}/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf \

# Don't overwrite user settings on each install
        delete ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/zabbix_agentd.conf
    } elseif {[isFlavor frontend ${subport}]} {
# Copy the front end files
        set fedir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/zabbix/frontends
        file mkdir ${fedir}
        file copy ${worksrcpath}/frontends/php/ ${fedir}

        system -W ${fedir} "find . -type f -name *.po -delete"

        if {![variant_isset nls]} {
            system -W ${fedir}/php/locale \
                "find . -type f -name *.mo ! -path */en_US/* -delete"
            reinplace "/display/s/true/false/" \
            reinplace "/en_US/s/false/true/" \

# Set permissions for etc (protect passwords) and the frontend
        system "chown -R www:www ${destroot}${prefix}/share/zabbix/frontends/*"
    } else {
     ####### SERVER #######
# Copy sample server and agent .conf files
        xinstall -m 755 -d \

# Don't overwrite user settings on each install
        move ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/zabbix_server.conf \

# Copy database data and schemas
        xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/zabbix/scripts

        xinstall -m 755 -W ${worksrcpath}/database/${DBFILES} \
            data.sql images.sql schema.sql \

        #file copy ${worksrcpath}/upgrades \
        #    ${destroot}${prefix}/share/zabbix/

        # Set permissions for etc (protect passwords) 
        system "chmod ug+rwX,o-rwx ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/*"
        system "chown -R zabbix:zabbix ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}"

    foreach dname {run log} {
        xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/${dname}/zabbix
        system "chown -R zabbix:zabbix ${destroot}${prefix}/var/${dname}/zabbix"


if {[isFlavor agent ${subport}]} {
    notes "
#### ZABBIX${zver} agent installation section

1) Edit the sample .conf file ${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/zabbix_agentd.conf.sample
   (rename & omit .sample)

   Set the following variable to the IP address of your ZABBIX server to\
   allow it access to the agent.


2) Set zabbix_agentd to run at system boot

     sudo port load zabbix${zver}-agent

#### End ZABBIX${zver} agent installation section ####
} elseif {[isFlavor frontend ${subport}]} {
    notes "
#### Begin ZABBIX${zver} frontend installation section ####

1) Set a symbolic link in your Apache document root pointing to the PHP
   frontend files

    sudo ln -s ${prefix}/share/zabbix/frontends/php <Apache-docroot>/zabbix

2) Enable your desired php version in httpd.conf and make sure the following
   are set in the associated php.ini:
    max_execution_time = 300
    max_input_time = 300
    post_max_size = 16M
    date.timezone = < Your TZ; see http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php >

   And for php56:
    always_populate_raw_post_data = -1

3) Open http://localhost/zabbix/ in your browser and walk through the setup,
   then login with default user 'Admin' and password 'zabbix'.

4) Read the fine manual at http://www.zabbix.com/documentation/

#### End ZABBIX${zver} frontend installation section   ####
} else {
    set shortver [regsub {\.\d+$} ${version} {}]
    notes "
#### Begin ZABBIX${zver} local server installation section ####

 (Installing with +full_server will add all of the dependants; configuration
  will still be required.)

1) Setup MySQL, i.e. via MacPorts: (for local MySQL server)

    sudo port install mysql5-server

2) Setup the ZABBIX database

    Follow the directions at :


    The *.sql files it refers to are in ${prefix}/share/zabbix/scripts/

3) Edit the sample .conf file ${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/zabbix_server.conf
   (rename & omit .sample)

   Modify these variables at the very least:

    DBSocket=<location for your active mysql5\[15\] server socket>
      Typically ${prefix}/var/run/mysql\[51|55\]/mysqld.sock

4) Set zabbix_server to run at system boot (also starts it immediately):

    sudo port load zabbix${zver}

5) Read the fine manual at http://www.zabbix.com/documentation/

#### End ZABBIX${zver} local server installation section   ####
####                                                 ####

!! ZABBIX${zver} Server Version Upgrade process
!!  0) Be sure to use 'sudo port unload zabbixN' to stop the background
!!     server before deactivating zabbixN. (Whatever version you are running.)
!!  2) Create/edit ${prefix}/etc/zabbix${zver}/zabbix_server.conf
!!        zabbix_server.conf.sample is available for reference.
!!        There are new features to consider.
!!        ** NOTE conf dir is etc/zabbix${zver} **
!!  3) 'sudo port load zabbix${zver}' after installing.
!!  For complete upgrade directions, please see:
!!    http://www.zabbix.com/documentation/${shortver}/manual/installation/upgrade
