PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ocaml 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 github.setup janestreet core_kernel 109.55.02 name ocaml-core-kernel revision 2 categories ocaml devel platforms darwin license Apache-2 maintainers nomaintainer description Core-kernel is the system-independent part of the OCaml Core library long_description Core is an industrial-strength alternative to the OCaml \ standard library. It was developed by Jane Street, which \ is the largest industrial user of OCaml. ${description} homepage https://janestreet.github.io/ checksums rmd160 a534f69b54eea5c1ca03229f9e1509f8ae3cedd7 \ sha256 78fb5c643ea6b1f12c8130f1e132be0a12f09f7cb17c72c64beb2dce0ef1b059 depends_lib port:ocaml \ port:ocaml-findlib \ port:ocaml-bin-prot \ port:ocaml-comparelib \ port:ocaml-fieldslib \ port:ocaml-herelib \ port:ocaml-pa-ounit \ port:ocaml-pa-bench \ port:ocaml-pipebang \ port:ocaml-res \ port:ocaml-sexplib \ port:ocaml-variantslib \ port:ocaml-typerep use_oasis yes #use_oasis_doc yes configure.args-append "--override docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}"