PortSystem          1.0

name                ocaml-json-static
version             0.9.8
revision            4
categories          ocaml devel
license             BSD
maintainers         nomaintainer
description         JSON validator and type converter for OCaml
long_description    This library converts parsed JSON data with an unchecked structure \
                    into specialized OCaml types and vice-versa. It is a complement to \
                    the caml-json-wheel package which provides a parser and pretty-printer.
homepage            http://martin.jambon.free.fr/json-static.html
platforms           darwin
master_sites        http://martin.jambon.free.fr/

distname            json-static-${version}
use_bzip2           yes

checksums           rmd160  8f6a9e886ddd5beff91a263b967a3c6ab95d0806 \
                    sha256  fd7a8b741e0a19f145add564dd1ea0e1cdc03d2710e051a5cd26a25126563ddd

depends_lib         port:ocaml \
                    port:ocaml-findlib \

use_configure       no
use_parallel_build  no

livecheck.type      regex
livecheck.url       http://martin.jambon.free.fr/json-static.html
livecheck.regex     {>json-static-(.*)\.tar\.gz}

post-patch {
    set ocaml_site_path [exec ocamlfind printconf destdir]
    reinplace       "s|\$(OCAMLFIND) install|\$(OCAMLFIND) install -destdir ${destroot}/${ocaml_site_path}|g" \

build.target        all

pre-destroot {
    set ocaml_site_path [exec ocamlfind printconf destdir]
    file mkdir ${destroot}/${ocaml_site_path}/stublibs

pre-destroot {
    destroot.args DESTDIR="${destroot}" OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR="${destroot}/[exec ${prefix}/bin/ocamlfind printconf destdir]"