PortSystem          1.0

name                ocaml-ocamlnet
version             4.0.3
revision            2
categories          ocaml devel
maintainers         nomaintainer
license             {BSD GPL-2 LGPL-2}
description         Internet protocols and helper data structures for OCaml.
long_description    Internet protocols (http, cgi, email etc.) and helper \
                    data structures (mail messages, character sets, etc.) \
                    Ocamlnet implements a number of Internet protocols (http \
                    client & server, cgi and cgi variants, SunRPC, FTP, POP, \
                    SMTP) and is a strong base for web and Internet \

homepage            http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/ocamlnet.html
platforms           darwin
master_sites        http://download.camlcity.org/download/

distname            ocamlnet-${version}

checksums           rmd160  66a814b7167de880f2dcaaf8ff9c1f1fd3600a49 \
                    sha256  d3b030715fe2c5f395ff9c08f0a8d3baa8830161300ba29e5aa8fabb92b182c1

depends_lib         port:ocaml \
                    port:ocaml-findlib \

# ocaml is not universal
universal_variant   no

post-patch {
    set ocaml_site_path [exec ocamlfind printconf destdir]
    reinplace       "s|\$(OCAMLFIND) install|\$(OCAMLFIND) install -destdir ${destroot}/${ocaml_site_path}|g" \

configure.args      -enable-pcre

build.target        all opt
use_parallel_build  no

pre-destroot {
    set ocaml_site_path [exec ocamlfind printconf destdir]
    file mkdir ${destroot}${ocaml_site_path}/stublibs
    destroot.args DESTDIR="${destroot}" OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR="${destroot}${ocaml_site_path}"

livecheck.type      regex
livecheck.regex     {ocamlnet-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)\.tar}